热门:Applications for 2023-24 academic year open | 杭州惠灵顿2023-24学年招生简章

2023-02-17 19:00:59

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Located in the Xiaoshan Science and Technology Polis, Wellington College International Hangzhou at Wellington College Hangzhou is the 13th member of the Wellington College family worldwide and the international school of first choice for many in Hangzhou. We offer a uniquely British-style international education delivering academic excellence for children of expatriate families aged 5 to 18. We rigorously follow the English National Curriculum, which naturally leads to IGCSE and A Level qualifications. Our students go on to attend the best universities in the UK, USA and beyond to continue their studies.

Academic Excellence

Pupils from Wellington College Hangzhou have outperformed numerous international top schools worldwide. The UK average of A*-C grades was 73% compared to our own results of 93%. We are also confident that our new sixth form pupils in our Hangzhou campus will achieve academic excellence in the near future.

Admissions Criteria

Wellington College International Hangzhou is a selective school which, in line with our holistic educational philosophy, aims to admit children with a wide range of skills and capabilities including those who can demonstrate academic ability, an enthusiasm for arts, music, sports and service.

According to the admissions regulations for international schools in China, Wellington College International Hangzhou can only accept applications for pupils who meet the following criteria:

- Children of foreign personnel residing legally in China

- Residents of Hong Kong, Macao Special Administrative Regions and Taiwan who are residing legally in the province

- Children of Chinese citizens legally residing outside of China.

To check if your child is eligible for admission, please contact the admissions team

Age grid

Admissions Process

We use OpenApply admissions management to ensure that the admissions process is smooth, friendly and easy to navigate. Our admissions process consists of five clear steps.

Step 1: Please add the WeCom account of our admissions team for 1:1 enquiry

Step 2: Make an appointment for campus tour and learn more about the Wellington values and identities, our vision and mission, and our educational ethos.

Step 3: Submit the required application documents and pay the RMB 2,000 non-refundable application fee

Step 4: Family interview

Step 5: Inform families of the enrolment decision

Application documents

- Application form

- Child passport

- Child visa (if applicable)

- Child’s birth certificate

- Parent identification documents (passport information pages or the front/back of each parent’s shenfenzheng)

- Parents’ visas (if applicable)

- Child’s academic records (past two academic years)

- Supporting academic documents (other achievements, awards and prizes, etc.)


*This policy applies to new families joining Wellington College International Hangzhou in the 2022-2023 academic year. We reserve the right to adjust the current fee standard for future academic years. 

We offer a sibling discount of 5% for the third child and 10% for the fourth child.


杭州惠灵顿外籍人员子女学校是惠灵顿杭州校区的一员,坐落于杭州市萧山科技城核心区,是惠灵顿全球大家庭的第十三位成员,也是杭州众多国际家庭首选的国际学校。我们为5至18岁的外籍人员子女提供独具特色的英式国际教育,助力学生实现卓越的学业表现。我校严格遵循英国国家教育大纲,开设IGCSE和A Level课程,引导学生升入英美等国的顶尖大学深造学习。






· 中国境内合法居留的外籍人员子女

· 在省内合法居留的香港、澳门特别行政区和台湾地区居民

· 在境外依法定居的中国公民的子女





1. 添加招生老师的企业微信,开展一对一入学咨询

2. 预约访校,进一步了解惠灵顿价值观和特质、愿景与使命,以及教育理念

3. 提交入学申请和申请资料,支付2,000元人民币申请费用(不予退还)

4. 家庭面试

5. 等待录取通知


- 申请表

- 学生的护照信息页面

- 学生签证(如适用)

- 学生出生证明

- 父母双方的身份证件正反面(如是护照则上传首页+签证页)

- 家长签证(如适用)

- 学生近两年的成绩单或者成长报告

- 其他学术支持文件(如获奖证书等)



我校为同—家庭的第三位和第四位孩子分别提供 5%和 10%的兄弟姐妹优惠。


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