当前讯息:【PSPE】Healthy, happy, active lives 健康、快乐、积极的体育生活

2023-02-22 19:14:27


It is currently a busy time in the PE department with students exploring various concepts and activities. In Early Years, students are building on their foundational skills by developing movement patterns, participating in aquatic activities, and exploring the way they interact with each other during physical activities. Aquatic activities can be an avenue for students to transfer their prior learning to an unfamiliar environment as they go from playing alongside each other to playing cooperatively together.


In Primary Years, students are developing their knowledge around different health topics to allow them to make healthier choices when possible. It has been great to see the students sharing their thoughts and ideas as they collaborate. Students are also looking at what communication, trust, and respect lookand sound like as they complete various challenges, focusing on refining their skills and striving in effective teams.


Across all grades, students continue to be risk-takers as they embrace new activities and demonstrate caring behaviors. Looking to the weeks ahead, students will continue to develop new skills as they begin to prepare for the sports days, which will take place later in the year.



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