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Located at the Xiaoshan Science and Technology Polis, Wellington College International Hangzhou part of the Wellington College Hangzhou campus, is the 13th member of the Wellington College family worldwide and the international school of first choice for many in Hangzhou. We offer a uniquely British style international education delivering academic excellence for children of expatriate families aged 5 to 18. We rigorously follow the English national curriculum, which naturally leads to IGCSE and A Level qualifications. Our students go on to attend the best universities in the UK, USA and beyond to continue their studies.
Our Heritage
The Story of Wellington College China
Wellington College in England was founded by Queen Victoria in 1859 as a national monument to Britain’s most renowned military figure, the Duke of Wellington, Field Marshal Arthur Wellesley, a statesman and soldier who also served the country with distinction twice as Prime Minister. The College is one of the most respected schools in the United Kingdom and one of its greatest educational institutions, pioneering, innovating and transforming education for children.
Recent research by a leading UK consultancy into the educational background of world famous people listed in the data publications, Who Was Who and Who’s Who, revealed that 14% graduated from ten private schools in the UK. Wellingtonians were some of the most influential figures in politics, economics, culture, science and technology with 173 alumni featured in the abovementioned publications. The College’s academic standard is among the highest in the UK and has resulted in a significant number of outstanding graduates attending prestigious institutions of higher learning such as Oxford and Cambridge.
Academic Excellence
Enrolment at top-ranked universities has long been perceived as the fundamental measure of the teaching quality of a school. Pupils in Wellington College China have attained academic excellence and are on their way to achieving amazing success at some of the world’s best schools. In 2022, 28% received offers from the world’s top 10 universities and 46% received offers from the world’s top 30 universities. These include Oxford, Cambridge, and Ivy League universities.
Academic Excellence of
Wellington College Hangzhou
Pupils from Wellington College Hangzhou have outperformed numerous international top schools worldwide. The UK average of A*-C grades was 73% compared to our own results of 93%. We are also confident that our new sixth form pupils in our Hangzhou campus will achieve academic excellence in the near future.
Our Teachers
Members of our academic team at Wellington College Hangzhou have rich teaching backgrounds with an average teaching experience of over ten years each, leading a team of outstanding educators recruited from within China and around the world. We are committed to supporting and challenging our academic staff to be innovative in their work through a series of proven and robust professional learning programmes. Over 60% of the Chinese staff have a master’s degree with over 50% of them having overseas learning experience. More than 70% of the expatriate staff come from the UK. Some teachers have graduated from QS world ranked top 100 universities including Harvard University, Cambridge University, King"s College London, University of Pennsylvania, Nanyang Technological University Singapore, University of Hong Kong and Zhejiang University. We deliver training and comprehensive teaching assessments across schools in Wellington College’s global family and utilise the valuable resources it provides to ensure that our teachers continue to harness their work as educators, informed by the very highest quality research and practices from around the world.
Curriculum Overview
We pride ourselves in knowing every pupil in the school and their individual talents as we understand that every child is unique. We follow a rigorous academic programme that includes strong academic, sporting and performing art themes and is designed to challenge pupils, with the finest elements of a modern British curriculum, framed within our international location to meet the needs of all our learners. Wellington College’s curriculum is skills and knowledge-based, providing exciting and challenging learning opportunities steeped in real-life experiences, devised to establish the characteristics and aptitudes needed to excel in all areas across the school.
The Primary School curriculum is designed to ensure that there is a strong connection across all areas of learning. Pupils will study English, maths, sciences, arts, Chinese and personal and social development through the very highest standards as set by the English national curriculum and best practice from around the world.
Pupils in Years 7-9 follow the English national curriculum with an international flavour whenever possible to provide context for our pupils from across the globe. Pupils study individual subjects with specialist teachers developing practical skills in science, DT, ICT and art, which prepare them for the next stage in their education – IGCSE examinations. All pupils undertake maths, English, Chinese and science, as core subjects, but also study optional subjects including humanities, the arts, PE and languages.
At Wellington College Hangzhou Sixth Form we are proud to offer the highly regarded A Level (Advanced Level) academic programme, an English qualification universally recognised asexcellent preparation for university.
Our Enrichment Opportunities
Life at Wellington College Hangzhou is certainly busy whilst being extremely engaging and rewarding. Our pupils are challenged and extended to reach their potential. The opportunities are plentiful and eye-opening. Click the video below to see some of the highlights in 2022 of Wellington College International Hangzhou.
Our Wellbeing Programme
and Child Protection
In 2006, Wellington College introduced Wellbeing as a compulsory subject sitting alongside English, the sciences and maths as part of the core curriculum. In doing so, Wellington became pioneers of positive education, an approach that values the happiness of young people to the same extent as their academic success. The wellbeing curriculum teaches pupils how to flourish. Flourishing involves living life with purpose and aspiration, finding those things that fill it with meaning, forging strong reciprocal relationships with others, engaging in life’s tasks to the best of one’s ability and having the strength of character to be resilient in the face of adversity. The programme is designed to address issues children will face as they grow and mature. The programme of study we follow at Wellington College International Hangzhou is a blend of the PSHE program from the UK and the Positive Education Enhanced Curriculum (PEEC) from Australia, made up of three core themes: health and wellbeing, relationships and living in the wider world.
All members of staff (academic, non-academic and visiting vendors) understand the central importance of this commitment and will undergo annual training in safeguarding young people. They will also be required to read and sign the Wellington College Hangzhou Safeguarding Policy and Staff Code of Conduct annually. The school adheres to the recommendations of the International Task Force on Child Protection (ITFCP) for its recruitment.
Our Facilities
In keeping with our commitment to a holistic education, Wellington College Hangzhou is situated on a purpose built, state-of-the-art campus containing all of the facilities required to provide pupils with access to the very best academic and co-curricular opportunities. The appearance and design of the building is inspired by the distinctive architecture at Wellington College in England.
How to apply
Click the photo for more admissions information
To complete an application form for Wellington, we politely ask that you follow the procedures detailed below:
1. Please add the WeCom account of our admissions team for 1:1 enquiry.
2. Make an appointment for campus tour and learn more about the Wellington values and identities, our vision and mission, and our educational ethos.
3. Submit the required application documents and pay the RMB 2,000 non-refundable application fee
4. Family interview.
5. Families are informedof the enrolment decision.
After completing the above steps, our Admissions team will continue supporting you through the enrolment process. For more information about Wellington College International Hangzhou, please contact our admissions team through our official WeCom account, phone or email.
杭州惠灵顿外籍人员子女学校是惠灵顿杭州校区的一员,坐落于杭州市萧山科技城核心区,是惠灵顿全球大家庭的第十三位成员,也是杭州众多国际家庭首选的国际学校。我们为5至18岁的外籍人员子女提供独具特色的英式国际教育,助力学生实现卓越的学业表现。我校严格遵守英国国家教育大纲,开设IGCSE和A Level课程,引导学生升入英美等国的顶尖大学深造学习。
根据英国权威教育咨询机构近期的研究,对入选《英国历史名人录(Who Was Who)》和《英国当代名人录(Who"s Who)》的所有名人的教育背景进行研究,在英国政经科技文化等各大领域最具影响力人物中,约七分之一(14%)来自于英国10所私立中学,惠灵顿公学就是其中之一,共有173名校友入选上述名人录。学校的学术水平位居全英前列,为牛津和剑桥等著名高等学府输送了大量优秀毕业生。
名校录取率一直被视作衡量学校教学品质的传统标准之一,而惠灵顿(中国)旗下学校所取得的升学成绩可谓出类拔萃。惠灵顿(中国) 2022届毕业生28%收到了来自世界排名前10的大学录取通知书,46%收到了来自世界排名前30的大学录取通知书,还取得了牛津、剑桥、常春藤录取通知书大满贯。
惠灵顿杭州校区的师资团队有着丰富的教学经验,平均教龄为十年以上。教师队伍由一群来自世界各地的优秀中外籍教师组成。其中,60%以上的中国员工持有硕士研究生学历、50%以上有海外留学经历,70%以上的外籍员工来自英国;不少教师毕业于QS全球大学排名前100的大学,如哈佛大学、剑桥大学、伦敦国王学院、宾夕法尼亚大学、新加坡南洋理工大学、香港大学、浙江大学等。同时,学校有计划地为教学团队提供专业的培训,帮助老师们了解前沿的教学研究和实践,定期举行惠灵顿全球大家庭各校区间的教学评估,并利用惠灵顿的全球优质教育资源, 启发老师们在教学上不断创新,追求卓越。
惠灵顿杭州校区高中部提供的A Level课程是一项备受推崇的英国学术文凭,是一门优秀的大学准备课程,受到世界各地的广泛认可。
1. 添加招生老师的企业微信,开展一对一入学咨询
2. 预约访校,进一步了解惠灵顿价值观和特质、愿景与使命,以及教育理念
4. 家庭面试