
2023-02-27 15:14:40

On February 20th, Ms Zeng Lihong, the president and Head of the School of Guangzhou Tiyudong Education Group visited ISA Liwan campus with principals of schools and supervisors. This visit is to build up mutual understanding for further cooperation and the improvement of quality teaching, which can enhance future development together.



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The Cantonese Opera Performance Pavilion, the Auditorium, the Black Box and other world-class facilities deeply impressed our guests, which gave them a full picture of how the environment and all these facilities can be a strong support to assist the practice of holistic education and teaching activities. When entering Black Box, the special design has made them keep thinking ‘Why’. The Black Box equipped with professional stage lighting, sound effect and smart control system is serving as the main place for drama class, rehearsal, and performance. All the indoor materials are environmentally friendly and sound insulated, enabling it to become the best place for growing artwork.

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The lighting is specially designed for a drama performance. When the light spotted the children, the audience can better see the sign language, the facial expression and the emotional conflict of the play. With such an immersive learning experience, the emotion, history, the culture of the characters will be greatly shown on stage, which can enhance students’ understanding of the play and the characters.

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座谈会上,爱莎荔湾文华学校小学部校长Patricia Pope以工作坊的模式为两校带来一场别开生面的IB PYP概念驱动式教学的培训,解析了如何通过IB的理念和框架在日常课程中实现超学科教学。曾丽红校长对这种工作坊的互动模式赞不绝口,表示当下教育理应与时俱进,通过超学科的教学方式,引领孩子们为将来的各种挑战做好准备。在随后爱莎荔湾小学部中文李老师分享中,曾丽红校长也表示了对以方案模式介绍PYP特色的赞赏,并深感双方在课程建设上有很多地方可以互相借鉴。

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At the seminar, Patricia Pope, Principal of the Primary School of Liwan Wenhua, gave us a unique training on IB PYP concept-driven teaching in a workshop format, explaining how to implement supra-curricular teaching in the daily curriculum through the IB concept and framework. Ms. Zeng was very impressed with the interactive workshop and said that education should keep up with the times and lead children to be prepared for future challenges through a supra-disciplinary approach. In the subsequent sharing by Ms Li, the Chinese teacher of Liwan Wenhua School, Ms. Zeng also expressed her appreciation for the programme model to introduce the features of PYP, and felt that there were great opportunities for the development of integrated curriculum.

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在围绕《创建教育现代化学校共同体,助力学校高质量发展》为题的发言中,曾丽红校长表示了对爱莎的肯定,爱莎的双轨制有效糅合了中国义务教育与IB课程,其中IB PYP框架之下的超学科教学方式将让孩子的学习更更自主、更有趣。曾校长提到:体育东教育集团致力于让每个人做最好的自己的办学理想,倾力为学生的健康成长、自我超越创造更多更好的支持,为广大学子提供扎实全面、优质均衡的素质教育,打造了真诚、善良、进取、专业的优秀师群,集团学校在国家课程校本化实施方面积累丰富的经验,取得了卓越的教育成果。针对体育东教育集团与爱莎教育集团的合作方向,曾校长提出,两个集团可以优势互补,发挥体育东教育集团高效实施国家义务教育课程与爱莎先进的IB课程建设的优势,通过两个集团的“同课异构,同主题课程异构”等方式,合作互动,融合创新,使两个教育集团的课程更中国、更世界,让两个集团在教育之路锦上添花。

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In the speech, "Creating an educational modernization school community, helping schools to develop with high quality", Ms Zeng Lihong expressed her affirmation of ISA, the dual-track system of ISA effectively blends Chinese compulsory education and IB curriculum, in which the supra-disciplinary teaching method under the framework of IB PYP will make children"s learning more efficient, and for children, the path of learning is interesting, the path of further education is diversified, and the road to future is bright. Ms Zeng mentioned: Tiyudong Education Group is to drive the development of education by information technology, to provide solid and comprehensive, high-quality and balanced quality education for the majority of students, and to create a sincere, kind, enterprising and professional group of excellent teachers. Regarding the direction of cooperation between Tiyudong Education Group and ISA Education Group, Ms Zeng suggested that with the professional and high quality support from ISA, through the "different structure of the same lesson and different structure of the same theme", the two schools will be much more powerful to the road of education.

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Principal Zhu Qi, senior strategic advisor of ISA International Education Group, said that there are many similarities between ISA"s IB curriculum practice and that of the public schools under the new curriculum reform, while the public schools are more methodological in the process of practice, ISA guides the practice from the concept based on theoretical knowledge. The country advocates the building of citizens together, according to which, the alliance cooperation can be promoted through both groups, so that teachers, teachers and students, parents and other resources can be shared, so that more teachers can understand each other"s curriculum practices in education, prepare lessons together, improve the level of teachers on both sides, and really let ISA integrate into Tiyudong’s education, let Tiyudong integrate into ISA’s education, and improve ISA Education Group and Tiyudong Education Group"s contribution to society contribution to the society.

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Ms. Wang Junwen, Director of ISA International Education Group, expressed her admiration and congratulations to Tiyudong Education Group for the great progress and achievements in teaching and education in recent years. She mentioned that the Group"s quality education, smart eco-campus and famous teacher brand are highly respected, and the evaluation data of students" comprehensive quality in six aspects are excellent and leading in the city, which is the role model that ISA needs to get close to. As the most challenging IB program, ISA takes the IB curriculum as the framework and integrates the excellent curriculum systems of China, UK and Singapore, and already has the IB full process International Baccalaureate K-12 school for children of expatriates in Guangzhou, we will continue to be rooted in the education industry and will always explore the most suitable education path for ISA. ISA will give full play to its strengths in international education and conduct curriculum linkage, teacher exchange and teacher-apprentice pairing with Tiyudong Education Group, etc. We look forward to reaching a comprehensive strategic approach to cooperation in the near future to create a truly integrated education platform for international understanding.


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