Building A Foundation in G6 Individuals and Societies | 人文社会学基础篇 当前时讯
and Societies
in Grade 6
At ISNS, Individuals and Societies (I&S) is a multi-disciplinary subject that students take in MYP and DP. We plan teaching and learning in a fun and engaging way to ensure that our students from G6 all the way to G12 are fostered their inquiry and investigation skills, as well as critical thinking, and communication skills.
This week, we interviewed our Grade 6 Individuals and Societies (I&S) Teacher MsGretchen to find out about theI&S subject inLower MYPand how it builds the fundation through MYP to DP.
Framework and
Teaching & Learning
Individuals and Societies(I&S) takes up about 12% of students" academic time.
In I&S, we try to build knowledge and understanding, investigation skills, communication skills and critical thinking skills. In most units, we go through a cycle of building knowledge around a subject, then the students choose something to investigate and follow a research cycle, in which they decide what they are going to study or investigate.
After that, they build and follow an action plan to further their time management. The students collect all their research in a systematic way for them to communicate their findings in a real project (a speech, a paper or a website etc). At last reflection, it is important to reflect on how the research went and then build a plan for improvement in the future.
Connection from LMYP to UMYP to DP
In lower MYP grade 6 through 8, we try to build their skills strongly by focusing on ATLs.
We use time management and effective notetaking, which helps students build organizational skills that they must have.
The first time when students started their I&S style research was PYPX, when they were in grade five. I always tell my students that every time a unit in Grade 6 is like doing a PYPX. Repeatedly, students follow that same process as they do in MYP through the years.
By the time they get to grade nine, students need to complete a community project that requires all the organisation skills and communication skills that we"ve been building in I&S. Then in Grade 10, they will have the personal project when they could utilize all their skills and experience.
Further in DP, students will engage in more of their own interests and investigations and communications about their learning in their knowledge and essays. Certainly I&S always feeds into the spirit of IB and the knowledge building and creating the lifelong learner from an intrinsic motivation standpoint.
A Typical Unit
In grade six, we"re doing a full research project right now on human migration.
We spent the first part of the unit just learning how to take notes, using Cornell note-taking system and learning migration stories. We then developed a list of questions that we want to know when we learn about somebody"s migration:
Where did they come from,
Where did they go,
Why did they move and
What were the benefits and challenges
Students can get a well-rounded human version of migration and learn about migrations that have happened all throughout the world. They build this knowledge base and bring it in the second part to Shenzhen China.
Shenzhen is a city that has all been migrated to. It grew from four hundred thousand people in 1980 to fourteen million now. Instead of researching specific stories about migrations, they are writing stories about really immigrants. Students need to choose one person to interview and ask all those questions we"re looking for when we were researching the other migration stories.
They collect those and then they create a website about that person"s migration story. It includes the story, the successes, the benefits, the challenges, photographs, a map of the migration, and a timeline of how the migration happened.
At the end, they will include a knowledge reflection where they talk about what they knew before they started the unit and then what they know now.
A sample process of refection:
How did the research go
How did the time management go
What can you do better in the future
Once the website is completed, students will share it out on their tablet to the school. They will receive feedback from all the teachers.
Tips for learning I&S
“To teach my students short-term time management using the Pomodoro method, which is that you work for 20 to 25 minutes, then take a 5-minute break. It kind of seems obvious but students don"t know that. If I can build that practice in, that is something they can use all the time. It really helps them get their work done and engage with their work. It is really important for an 11- and 12-year-old brain.”
本周,我们采访了6年级人文社会学科 (I&S) Gretchen 老师,了解 I&S 学科如何从初中低年级过渡到初高中高年级。
在初中低年级阶段( 6至8年级),我们会通过关注学习技能来增强学生们的学习能力。我们使用时间管理和有效的笔记记录,帮助学生培养他们做研究必须具备的组织能力。
到九年级时,学生需要完成一个社区项目,该项目需要用到在 I&S 中培养的所有组织技能和沟通技能。然后在10年级,他们将有个人项目,他们可以利用所有的技能和经验。
因为深圳是一个外来人口聚集的城市。它的人口从 1980年的40万增长到现在的1400万。与单单研究关于移民的具体故事不同的是,学生们需要撰写关于真正的移民的故事。学生需要选择一个移民来深圳的人进行采访,提问所有的关于迁移他们想知道的问题。