建设上海Building Shanghai|广告宇宙小组Advertising Universe
Building Shanghai
- 广告宇宙小组 -
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The rapid evolution of Artificial Intelligence forces us to keep thinking about what kind of education is future-oriented, and one thing we can be sure of is that we need to take studentsout to see the real worldso that they can broaden their horizon and put what they learn in a real context.
Building Shanghai is aseries of week-longPBL projects. During this week, SHBS students walk out of the classroom and into the wonders of Shanghai to do research, visit businesses, talk toscholarsand professionals from Shanghai and around the world, and ask people of different jobsquestions so that they can better understand how what they’ve learned at school relates to real-world challenges.
"Building Shanghai"started on March 27, Monday, this year. All teachers and studentsworked together andcarried out more than a dozen PBL projects. Let"s take a look at what the Advertising Universe did.
Advertising Universe
Advertising, as the name indicates, means having something widely publicized, so its first purpose is to convey information. In the commercial society, advertising also serves topresentthe charm of products or brands and attract consumers to buythem. According to itsmedia, advertising can be divided into traditional media advertising (newspaper, TV, radio, etc.), network advertising (banner advertising, pop-up advertising, search engine advertising, etc.) and mobile advertising (protoadvertising, video advertising, application promotion, etc.). According toitsdifferent forms, it is divided into graphic advertising, video advertising and proto advertising. In terms of its purpose, commercial advertisements can promotecommodities and build brands, whilepro-bono adscan publicize public welfare undertakings and raisepeople"sawareness ofsocial responsibilities.
On March 27, the first day of the week,students did some preparatory searching and learning atschool. We sorted out relevant information such as the history of advertising, the market share of different types of advertisingin different yearsand the new trends of advertising industry on the current Internetin preparation for next day’s visit. Many questions about the frontier of advertising were raised: As "livestreaming", an emerging form of advertising,rises, will there beanyhidden dangers and problems despite itsadvantages of high circulationand efficiency? How can we regulate the professionals in this trade? Since traditional visual and audio ways of advertisementhave certain limitations in the process of product display (for example, they cannot match individual customers" shape or look,and cannot be touched and felt), is it likely toinvent an entirely new typeof advertising in the future? Where is the boundary between accurate ad delivery, big data and user privacy?How will advertising ethics develop in the future? How will AI affect the advertising industry? The students spent one day brainstorming. As a result, they raisedmany valuable questions.
On the morning of March 28, our team went to Tian Yu Kong, a famouscompany in theadvertisingindustry for an in-depth visit. Not only didwevisit the whole companyand learnaboutthe division of business and work process of an advertising company, but also had an in-depth interactionwith senior experts in the industry. In the afternoon, our team visitedZENX,Zhidingtang, to explore the most cutting-edge integrated marketing strategy in the advertising industry. Led by technical staff, we came to understand how AI is appliedtothe advertising industry.
On March 29, based on theirpreviousvisits and research, students sorted out and improved the relevant data, held discussions and reflected on what they did. In the futurewhen AI becomes popular,great changes will surely take place in the advertising industry. Our group membersbegan to imagine the "future advertising". As advertisers have said, "people who can really bringchanges in an industry may suddenly emerge from other industries." At 7o "clock in the evening, studentsattendedMs. Yang Ying"s online sharingsession.She shared with us a lot of valuable information on topics such as"the concept of advertising", "how to increase the value of an advertisementproject from zero to 100 million", "Is livestreaming fun", and "I also want to become a network celebrity". By attending the sharing session,students hada deeper understanding of the Tic Tokplatform and the livestreaming industry.
On March 30, students visited the YijieLivestreaming Headquarter toget to know on the scene about howlivestreamingindustry is operated and how their live streaming plan is implemented. Staff in the industry introduced the status quo of the live streaming industry, the landing of the project, and the work arrangement of the live streaming place: live streamingis not a simple thing, but team members from the front, the operation, the anchor, the backstage and the operatorneed to work together. In the base,we foundthe training of anchorshas been industrialized. Relevant course systems have been developed in this industry where it is not difficult for people to find jobs.In the futurewhen we have better legal system, the industry will have broader prospects fordevelopment, and the advertising will be more closely related to live streaming.
On March 31, the last day of the project, students started wrapping up what they didin their respective groups. The students in the datagroup drew a sketch according to the sorted infoand data, and gave it to the students in the poster group so that they could makea poster for our project; The students in the interview group collectedeffective information from recorded audio clips; The students in the recording group sorted out relevant photos and videos and finished editing aninterestingvlog for ourproject; The students in the integration group collected all the audio and videoclipsand began to make the PPT. At 11 o "clock at noon, the students from the reporting group came to the podium and explained the results of the advertising group"s week-long research to everyone who walked into the classroom.
2023年,我们见证着区块链、web 3.0、人工智能等各种新兴技术的飞速发展,广告行业在剧变的大环境中,有着属于自己的困境和机遇。广告不再是原本单一的形式,更趋向于整合营销,通过各种平台和媒介,运用各种方式实现它的功能。在当下,直播已经成为了重要的广告形式,但人工智能普及的未来,或许虚拟主播将会取代真人直播,成为新的直播方式。从PGC到UGC再到现在的AIGC,大胆地想象,在未来,“人工生成广告”将为每个用户定制个性化的传播系统,真正实现“千人千面”的广告。汇报过程中,广告组还进行了全程直播,身体力行地进行了一场广告实践。
In 2023, we are witnessingthe rapid development of blockchain, web 3.0, AIand other emerging technologies. In such achanging environment,the advertising industry will face its own difficulties and opportunities. Advertising is no longer thesingle formit used to be. Instead, ittends toachieve its functionin various ways and via all kinds of platforms and media by combining itself with marketing. Currently, livestreaming has become an importantmeansof advertising, but in the futurewhen AI has become popular, perhaps virtual anchors will replace real ones in live streaming, thus creating a new way of live streaming. From PGC to UGC, and to the currentAIGC, we can boldly imagine that in the future, "artificially generated advertising" will play a role in having each user"s personalized communication systemcustomized, which will truly realizeads with "thousands of faces".The advertising team practised making an advertisement by giving a full-length live-streaming of their presentation.
Through this project,students have had not onlya deeper understanding of the traditional advertising industry, but also a lot of interesting visions into the future of this industry. More importantly, students have developed a strong interest in cutting-edge technologies and are willing to embrace emerging technologies. We believe that one day in the future, all dreams at this moment will come true.
文 | Xu Wu
翻译 | Dawn Xu
排版 | Jang