快讯:联手剑桥视觉表演艺术学院 CSVPA|广州斐特思打造“斐”凡艺术课程

2023-04-27 09:06:07



Fettes College Guangzhou is dedicated to delivering top-notch resources to its students. Whether it is in the domains of arts, sports or technology, FCG strives to offer its students exceptional tutors, curriculum resources, and state-of-the-art hardware facilities. Art education is an essential component of FCG"s holisticeducational programme, supported by an all-encompassing art curriculum, a team of highly skilled art tutors, a full spectrum of art facilities, and a thriving artistic ambiance.

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To furnish students with internationally acclaimed art resources, FCG and CSVPA have united to form the FCG✖️CSVPA Art Academy. It will offer students easy access to international art and serve as a conduit for interacting with renowned artists worldwide, thereby providing an avenue for inspiration.

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剑桥视觉表演艺术学院 CSVPA

Cambridge School of Visual

and Performing Arts


The Cambridge School of Visual and Performing Arts is a globally recognised, elite arts institution with campuses situated in Cambridge, London, and Boston. CSVPA maintains a close working relationship with esteemed academic institutions in the UK, such as the University of Cambridge and University of the Arts London. CSVPA"s innovative and practical curriculum has facilitated the progression of numerous foundation students to the most prestigious art and design schools, music schools, and drama colleges worldwide. It is noteworthy that within the past five years, approximately 70% of CSVPA"s students have been admittedto the University of the Arts London (UAL).

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FCG ✖️CSVPA Art Academy


FCG✖️CSVPA Art Academy offers two distinct professional art pathways to students seeking an art education. These pathways are a three-year art course in China or a two-year exchange programme in China, followed by a year of study at a chosen art university abroad. In either case, students will receive specialised guidance to support their further studies at art universities. This guidance includes access to professional tutors, assistance with portfolio preparation and production, expert guidance workshops, and other forms of support.

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Students will share in the CSVPA"s well-established professional art programmes and participate in online international art expert forums, lectures and workshops. CSVPA"s teaching staff consists exclusively of graduates from prestigious institutions, such as Cambridge University, Royal College of Art and University of the Arts London. This ensures that CSVPA students receive cutting-edge instruction and access to valuable industry resources.

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在3月15日的CSVPA线上大师工作坊中,Alina Popa老师为学生们带来了一堂精彩的服装剪裁课。作为一位拥有20年服装设计及教学经验的工作者,Ms Popa曾与王海震等许多伦敦著名设计师合作,熟悉时装的各种裁剪手法。在这次大师课上,Ms Popa向学生们介绍了面料改造的基本方法和作用。面料改造是服装设计中一种重要的装饰手段和形式语言,它可以展现服装的外观和内涵。为了展现自己的独特设计,面料改造是服装设计师经常使用的手法之一。

During the online master workshop held on 15 March, Ms Alina Popa presented a compelling lesson on dressmaking. With 20 years of experience in fashion design and teaching, Ms Popa has collaborated with renowned London designers, including Haizhen Wang. She possesses expertise in various cutting techniques used in fashion. In the masterclass, Ms Popa taught students about the basic methods and importance of fabric alterations, which are an essential decorative tool and formal language in the world of fashion. Fabric alterations can reveal the appearance and texture of a garment and are frequently used by fashion designers to express their individual aesthetic and creative personality.

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在工作坊上,学生们选择常见的牛仔布,通过老师们的指导进行抽丝、抽褶、剪裁和拼接,为废弃的碎布赋予了全新的肌理和色彩。此外,Ms Popa还教授了格子编织手法,协助学生们将布料拼接出了一件别具特色的时装。

During the workshop, students worked with common denim fabrics and received guidance from the teacher on drawing, pleating, cutting, and patchworking to give new texture and colour to discarded rags. Furthermore, Ms Popa imparted the technique of plaid weaving, which enabled the students to stitch together pieces of fabric to create a unique fashion piece.

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High Standard Facilities



The FCG campus boasts an abundance of artistic space. Diverse and well-equipped classrooms dedicated to 3D design, photography, carpentry, textiles and sewing, as well as painting, are conveniently situated across various floors. Furthermore, the establishment features over 50 private musicpractice rooms, two spacious concert halls, and a 500-seat black box theatre.

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CSVPA校长Karin Askham女士对斐特思剑桥联合艺术书院的成立感到非常激动。她表示,未来的合作与交流将日益频繁,希望促进双方老师和学生对东西方艺术的学习和理解,为广州斐特思带来更多高价值的课程和活动。


Ms Karin Askham, the Director of CSVPA, expressed her enthusiasm regarding the establishment of FCG✖️CSVPA Art Academy. She highlighted the prospect of increased cooperation and exchange between the two institutions, aimed at enhancing the learning and understanding of both Eastern and Western arts among the students and faculty. She noted that this partnership will bring more high-value courses and activities to FCG. In the future, FCG intends to continue focusing on introducing the latest resources and cutting-edge knowledge to students. This approach will further enrich the learning experience and encourage students to develop their skills, strive for excellence, and achieve success in their respective fields of expertise.

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