每日消息!佛山霍利斯A Level预科课程助你更换赛道,奔向世界一流学府 LEHF Pre-A Level Programme
想换个赛道学习英国课程,转读 A Level 课程到海外升学?欢迎了解关注佛山市霍利斯外籍人员子女学校!
在佛山霍利斯,我们相信每个学生都有潜力实现自己的远大目标,而我们的 A Level 预科课程就是帮助他们实现目标而设。这是一个为期一年的强化课程项目,帮助学生们为 A Level 课程和未来升学做好充分的准备。我校的 A Level 预科协调员不仅担任 A Level 预科的英语老师,帮助他们提高英语水平,并且也能为学生和学生家长提供充足的支持和建议。
A Level 预科课程适合谁?
A Level 预科课程专门为15岁及以上、之前没有参加过两年IGCSE课程的学生而设计的,目标是帮助他们提高英语语言技能,并为 A Level 课程打下关键的学术基础。我们 A Level 预科课程的一个重要优势是能够作为一个有效的衔接课程,帮助不熟悉英国课程的学生顺利过渡到12-13年级(A Level 阶段)的学习。
A Level 预科课程科目
A Level 预科的学生们可以从以下科目中进行选择、体验和学习:
Ms Hayward
A Level 预科导师 &艺术和技术学科主任
"A Level 预科课程能够为学生提供英国教育课程的良好基础,让学生们体验一系列的科目,帮助他们更好地选择日后想在12和13年级学习的科目。预科课程会给予学生足够的时间来适应英国教育课程和体制,这可能与他们之前所接受的教育形式非常不同。我们致力于培养每个学生的个人才能,因材施教地给他们提供所需的支持。我们的 A Level 预科协调员则会给学生们提供充分的关怀和辅助,帮助他们建立自信心和自我意识。"
我们的 A Level 预科课程不仅是注重学术上的卓越,而且为学生培养重要的生活技能和个人素质,帮助学生们在大学和日后人生中取得成功。通过音乐、艺术、体育和戏剧等课外活动,以及领导力发展项目和社区服务项目,学生们有机会培养团队合作、沟通和解决问题等重要能力。
A Level 预科学生参演学校音乐剧《绿野仙踪》
学校也非常欢迎 A Level 预科学生们参加12-13年级的活动,包括职业工作坊和思维研讨会等。他们也能跟我们12-13年级学生进行互动,获得宝贵的升学和职业发展指导。通过这些活动,A Level 预科学生对自己的未来道路会有更加清晰地认识,做好准备来规划和行动追求他们的学术和职业目标。
Mrs Kirk
我们采访了 Ms Hayward 和一些 A Level 预科学生,看看学生们的 A Level 预科课程的学习体验如何。
Ms Hayward:
A Level 预科学生的学习积极性很高,而且很喜欢他们的课程。他们在英语的语言技巧、书面和口头表达,以及学科知识技能方面都取得了巨大进步。他们很快就开始适应英式的课程体系,现在充满自信,能够参与到课堂讨论和为学校社区做出贡献。他们之间也建立了良好的友谊关系,并很享受在佛山霍利斯的学习生活。
学生 Ye:
学生 Steven:
我认为 A Level 预科课程很有挑战性,但很有趣。非常感谢老师们的帮助,让我的英语水平有所提高。我认为数学是最有挑战性的科目,所以我经常进行练习,以提升我对数学知识的掌握。
在佛山霍利斯,我们热衷于帮助每个学生充分实现他们的潜能。通过富有启发性的课程,经验丰富的教师,以及对个人成长和发展的关注,我们的A Level预科课程能够帮助来自任何学术背景的学生发展成长,实现他们未来的学术和个人志愿。Whether you are a student seeking to acclimatise to the British Curriculum or looking to prepare for the A Level programme and future academic pursuits abroad, you are in the right place.
At LEH International School Foshan, we believe that every student has the potential to achieve greatness, and our Pre-A Level Programme (PAL) is designed to help them do just that. This one-year intensive programme is a challenging and rewarding learning experience that is designed to prepare you for the demands of the rigorous A Level Programme and beyond. The Pre-A Level coordinator will be their English teacher as well as the first point of contact for support and advice for both Parents and students.
Who is the Pre-A Level
Programme (PAL) for?
Catering specifically to students aged 15 and above who have not completed the two-year IGCSE programme before, this PAL programme helps them to improve their English language skills and build the essential foundations required for A Level courses. An important advantage of our PAL programme is that it serves as an effective bridging programme for students who are unfamiliar with the British Curriculum, facilitating a seamless transition to Sixth Form.
Pre-A Level Curriculum
The PAL curriculum will offer students experience of some of the following subjects:
Art, Biology, Chemistry, Chinese, Computer Science, Design & Technology, English, English as a Second Language, Geography, History, Mathematics, Music, Physics, The International English Language Testing System (IELTS), Global Perspectives, Economics and Business Studies
Physical Education
Careers and University Guidance
Personal Social Health Education (PSHE)
Our experienced and dedicated subject teachers and tutors are passionate about their subjects and committed to helping students achieve their full potential, providing personalised feedback and support every step of the way.
Ms Hayward
PAL Tutor & Head of Art & Design Faculty
"The Pre-A level programme gives students a good grounding in the British Education curriculum and allows students to experience a range of subjects so that they can choose what they would like to study for examination in year 12 and 13. The course gives them time to adapt to the British Educational approach, which is often very different to what they have been used to. Our approach nurtures each students’ individual talents and needs. They are fully supported by our PAL coordinator with their pastoral needs and our approach helps build their confidence and sense of self."
Preparing for the Future
Our Pre-A Level Programme is not just about academic excellence. It"s also about developing important life skills and personal qualities that will help students succeed in university and in life. Through extracurricular activities like music, art, sports, and drama, as well as leadership and community service projects, students have the opportunity to build important skills like teamwork, communication, and problem-solving.
The PAL student performed in the school production the Wizard of Oz.
Pre-A Level students are warmly welcomed to participate in various Sixth Form activities, including career and mindset workshops, where they can interact with our experienced Sixth Form students and benefit from valuable guidance on career and university pathways. Through these workshops, Pre-A Level students gain a clear understanding of their future journey and are well-prepared to embark on their academic and professional pursuits.
Mrs Kirk
Head of Sixth Form
"All students will need to become independent learners, motivated and prepared to work hard, be focused and learn the work presented to them. Students are treated as young adults and as such they are responsible for their own actions; they are preparing for university so I would hope to see them engage fully in school life inside and outside of the classroom. They are expected to be role models for the rest of the school and that should be evident in their dress, their behaviour around school, and by their study habits."
In order to provide you with deeper insights into our Pre-A Level Programme, we conducted interviews with Ms Hayward and some of our students. Here is what they had to say.
Ms Hayward:
The Pre-A Level students are motivated learners and enjoy their lessons. They have made huge progress in their English Language skills, written and verbal, as well as their subject knowledge skills. They have adapted quickly to the British education system and are now confident students able to contribute to class discussions and the school community. They have developed good friendship groups and enjoy life at LEH Foshan.
Student Ye:
My English skills have improved significantly, and I now feel more confident having English conversations with my classmates and teachers. Furthermore, my science knowledge has also improved, thanks to my teachers" help in expanding my vocabulary.
Student Steven:
I think the Pre-A level lessons are difficult but interesting. My English has improved thanks to my teachers. Mathematics is the most challenging subject and I practise a lot to get better at it.
At LEH International School Foshan, we are passionate about empowering our students to realise their full potential. With our inspiring curriculum, experienced teachers, and the emphasis on personal growth and development, the Pre-A Level Programme is created to help students, regardless of their academic backgrounds, to flourish and achieve their future academic and personal aspirations.