华为HarmonyOS 3公测版已开始向第四批设备推出
在宣布推出3 年的华为 Mate 30 将获得最新的 HarmonyOS 3 稳定更新后,华为在线消费者发言人确认,HarmonyOS 3 公测计划将于今年 11 月开始面向更多华为设备开放申请。
据 ITHome 报道,该发言人指出,HarmonyOS 3 Public Beta 将于今年 11 月开始面向第 4 批华为设备推出。这 3款华为智能手机(华为 Nova 8、Nova 8 Pro、Nova 8 Pro 4G)的用户将能够在今年 11 月底之前申请 HarmonyOS 3 Public Beta,而华为 nova 8 SE和华为 Nova 8 SE Vitality版本,HarmonyOS 3 Public Beta 将于 2023 年初开始提供。
除了这 5 款华为设备外,华为上周早些时候还宣布,HarmonyOS 3 Stable 已于今年 11 月推出 15 款华为设备。
Don"t just sit at home, or the life of your dreams will sail right past you.
R.C. Willey Home Furnishings
It was Nebraska Furniture Mart"s Irv Blumkin who did the walking around in the case of R.C. Willey, long the leading home furnishings business in Utah. Over the years, Irv had told me about the strengths of that company. And he had also told Bill Child, CEO of R.C. Willey, how pleased the Blumkin family had been with its Berkshire relationship. So in early 1995, Bill mentioned to Irv that for estate tax and diversification reasons, he and the other owners of R.C. Willey might be interested in selling.
It’s raining, where is your home?
Sam likes fish very much.He often buys fish in the shop and takes it home.But when his wife sees the fish,she says to herself,“Good!Now I can ask my friends to have lunch,and we can eat this fish.They like fish very much.”
So when Sam comes home in the evening,the fish is not there and his wife always says,“Oh,your cat eats it.”And she gives Sam some bread for his supper.Sam gets very angry.He takes the cat and his wife to the shop near his house and weighs he cat.Then he turns to his wife and says,“My fish weighs one kilo.This cat weighs one,too.My cat is here,you see.Then where"s my fish?”
意大利记者帕尔梅里发推:“足球要‘跳’回家了(it"s diving home)。”
西班牙六台两位记者表达各自观点。Francisco Buyo:“这个有利于英格兰的点球是个耻辱!”Juanfe Sanz:“如果我是裁判,我不会判罚这个点球,但在场上,你只能接受裁判的判罚。”
裁判专家Thorsten Kinhöfer:“如果是我,这球我不会判罚点球。 他碰到了他(斯特林),但在比赛的这一点上,必须是110%的犯规(才能判点)。而且真的不是(点球)!!”
People who have never left their hometown do not know what it is called.
Home road, familiar, but cordial, strong local flavor!
Only when you are far away can you know how to miss your hometown.
“Homestay”is a form of study abroad program. It allows the visitor to rent a room from a local family to better understand the local lifestyle. It also helps to improve the visitor’s language ability, ” said a teacher during a school meeting last term. “Students who wish to learn more about foreign cultures or to get foreign experience should join this kind of holiday. I am sure you won’t be disappointed . ”
After this special meeting, I always thought about this kind of holiday. Last month, I had a chance at last to go on such a holiday with some of my schoolmates and we went to London, a place where I had wanted to go since years ago.
As we were still young, we had a group leader who planned things for us and looked after us. After we got to London, we went to stay with different families. I was lucky that my host family was a white couple who had a daughter about my age. They treated me as a daughter of their family during my stay there. They were interested in me and I learnt a lot of things from them, too.
The holiday was filled with activities every day. After breakfast, a local teacher would come to take us in his car. Then we would have classes or go on a sight-seeing trip to different places of interest like the Big Ben, the London Bridge, and the Buckingham Palace. We would go back to our own homes after the activities.
holiday was a valuable experience for me. I enjoyed every minute of
it. Yet, time really flew fast. Three weeks later, we had to leave
“home” for Hong Kong.
#每天打卡背单词# #头条创作挑战赛#
communication n.通信
The cabin was so remote that communication back home would be difficult.
predict v.预言,预测
All countries, it was predicted, would develop and develop fast.
vacation n.假期,休假
Summer vacation can drop your IQ.
Why it"s so hard to buy a home right now?
It is still the fragrant food at home