
2022-10-18 19:13:00


SMCS Talk dazzles us again!



In this SMCS Talk, with Elisa"s guidance, we learned about the Japanese art form:Ukiyo-e.


In students sharing session, we considered "Protection and Bullying".


Teacher’s Share





Ukiyo-eis a genre of painting popular in Japan from the 17th to 19th century. Mainly in the form of wood prints, the nature of Ukiyo-e is similar to today"s posters or magazines, and the mass printing of woodblocks can not only reduce production costs, but also meet the cultural and entertainment needs of all classes of citizens.


Ukiyo-e covers a wide range of subjects, including social events, folklore, historical stories, opera scenes, and illustrations from classical works. Some artists also depict women"s lives, record war events, or depict scenes from mountains and rivers. It can be said that Ukiyo-e is the encyclopedia of life in the Edo period.


(Kitagawa Utamaro)




(Katsushika Hokusai)


(The Great Wave Off Kanagawa)


(Utagawa Kuniyoshi)



(Utagawa Hiroshige)


(Travelers surprised by sudden rain)


Student’s Share

Chris & CoCo


Theme: Protection and bullying


In students sharing session, we consider "Protection and bullying".This year, the US Supreme Court overturned Roe v. Wade. Since then, every state has had the power to decide abortion laws, which would mean millions of women would be denied the right to an abortion. It is a question of protecting women or bullying them!


On this matter, everyone is very angry. The UN news report directly said that "the US ruling on abortion rights is a huge blow to women"s human rights and gender equality" and that "banning abortion will only make abortion more deadly". More than half of Americans said it was a shameful act. Most people believe that abortion rights belong to women, that no one else can make decisions for them, and that laws against abortion harm women"s health and deepen social inequality.


Feminism originated from protests by womenin Western countries to improve the status of women in society.


When feminists wrote the book "Our Bodies, Ourselves" to discuss the meaning of abortion rights to women and demand women to acquire autonomy over their bodies, the opposing voices believed that abortion is murder of new life and abortion is to evade women"s reproductive responsibility.

“罗诉韦德案”标志着女权主义者在堕胎权运动中的成功。但是此判决一出,人们关于堕胎权的矛盾激化, 人们为“选择权”和“生命权”开展了激烈的争论。许多人认为从怀孕那一刻起堕胎就是杀人”。让人觉得可笑的是投票员全是男性,一群男人在争论女人是否拥有自主选择的权利。判决的结果可能导致很多女性需要用一生去承担,面对这样的代价,女性完全需要有选择的权利。我们不得不承认,在当今社会环境下,男女平等似乎一直是一个遥远的目标,投票者全部是男性只是一个社会的缩影,我们看到的那些对社会拥有重大影响的组织或团体,大部分组成者都是男性,这使得很多女性从一开始就失去了选择的权利,很多女性在社会环境下没有获得尊重。

Roe v. Wade marked the success of feminists in the abortion rights movement. But with the decision, the conflict over abortion rights has intensified, with heated debates between"right to choose" and "right to life". Many people believe that abortion from the moment of conception is murder. It"s funny that the voting was all male, a group of men arguing about whether women should have the right to make their own choices. The verdict may result in many women having to suffer for the rest of their lives. Faced with this cost, women absolutely need to have the right to choose.We have to admit that, in today"s society, equality between men and women seems to be a distant goal. Male voters are just a microcosm of society. We see that the society has a major impact on organizations or groups, and most of those making decisions are men. This results in a lot of women losing the right to choose right from the start, and many women are not respected in the social environment.


We need to break the conventional wisdom that modern women no longer need to live entirely off men, and that they have the knowledge and skills to support themselves through work.As a society, we should not have prejudice against women. We should not discriminate against others just because men and women are good at different fields of work.In the family, taking care of the family and children is never a matter of one person, and both the wife and husband need to fulfill their own responsibilities.We need to give women more support and respect.

Student Awards

SMCS Values Accolades


Roger & Luca


Leo & Kira Zhou


Maggie Wang


Robin & Rossie


The Reader of the Week



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