环球精选!幼儿园 | IB入门关键期,在起跑线上“形成思维”
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IB课程适用于 3-19 岁的学生,其中PYP课程专为3-12岁学生所设计,涵盖了中国的幼儿园和小学。它汲取众多国际学校的优势,被全世界广泛认可,是公认的国际教育的领跑者。PYP的课程设计具有充分的灵活性来适应绝大多数国家或地方对课程的要求。它以6个超学科主题为主导,运用在6组学科中获得的知识和技能。
IB PYP课程,守护独一无二
ASJ的幼儿园课程,是根据IBPYP设置的,指南提供了制定计划的基础,我们会列出学习目标。在设置课程前我们会根据POI进行讨论并选取适合儿童的主题进行探究,在探究活动UOI的设计中围绕着六大跨学科主题,即“我们是谁”、“我们身处什么时空”、“我们如何表达自己”、“世界如何运作”、“我们如何组织自己”和“共享地球”而开展,通过“探究单元”来探索和学习这些具有意义的问题。每一个探究单元都针对与某一个具体的超学科主题相关的“中心思想”。根据每个单元中心思想的范围,明确了一些探究线索 。
1. 学生的探究能力有了显著提高,孩子们现在很喜欢提问题。一开始,孩子们无法回答这样的问题:“你想了解这个主题的什么方面?”“你想要通过这个主题学习到什么?”“你还有什么问题吗?”,但是在沉浸式探究三个月后,孩子们能够提出很多很有趣的问题,这意味着他们越来越熟悉探究式学习方法,并且慢慢形成探究思维。
2. 孩子们学会了互相帮助和友爱精神。课堂上,老师们会引导孩子在需要帮助时可寻求同学的帮助,如果他们的朋友无法提供帮助,则寻求老师的帮助。IB的十大培养目标之一是关怀,我们引导孩子们善待和理解他人。在大孩子帮助小孩子的时候,我们能看到他们之间的友爱。
3. 通过第一单元的学习,老师还观察到孩子其他能力的发展以及进步。例如,在第一个单元中,我们在制定大班的培养目标时,主要是善于思考以及全面发展。通过六大探究步骤,思考我们的选择会影响我们的健康。由此,孩子们反思他们健康和不健康的生活方式,并思考如何调整自己的生活方式来变得更健康。但最重要的是,孩子会将这些学习到的技能运用到他们的日常活动中。
“形成思维”,是幼儿教学中的重要一环,ASJ旨在通过IB PYP课程,全方位促进幼儿的思维能力发展。在ASJ,我们希望每一位孩子都能保持童心,享受童趣,拥抱童年。
Starting from 2021, ASJ provides high-quality international education for the children of Hong Kong, Macao and Taiwan overseas Chinese and foreign nationals for 15 years, focusing on cultivating young people with feelings of family and international vision in the new era, providing a teaching system dominated by the IB curriculum.
The IB programme is designed for students aged 3-19, while the PYP programme is designed for students aged 3-12 and covers kindergartens and primary schools in China. Drawing on the advantages of many international schools, it is widely recognized around the world and is recognized as a leader in international education.
Why start IB at an early age?
Starting the IB program at an early age can lay a solid foundation for children to learn and better connect them to the later stages of learning. From birth to the age of eight, is the most important period of a person"s development. At this stage, ASJ advocates a "learning by play" approach to providing children with opportunities to learn and explore.
As the beginning of accepting group teaching, how to adapt and integrate is an issue that needs K1 children pay attention to. After entering the school"s collective life, the children"s awareness of rules and living habits have been greatly improved. Teachers will guide children to gradually understand the "collective" and learn to follow the rules.
K1 children enrolled in ASJ in September this year, after nearly 3 months of study and life, they have understood and complied with the rules of the school, also understand that negative behaviors may affect others, and have stronger empathy.
We keep children unique
In ASJ"s kindergarten classrooms, teaching is built around the needs of children because each child is unique. IB programs help families and teachers identify children"s interests and strengths, and provide students with developmental opportunities that suit them.
The ASJ kindergarten curriculum is based on the IB PYP. The guide provides the basis for planning. We will outline learning objectives. Before setting up the course, we will discuss according to POI and select suitable themes for children for exploration. In the design of exploration activities UOI, we will focus on six interdisciplinary themes and explore and learn these meaningful issues through "inquiry unit". Each unit of inquiry addresses a "central idea" related to a specific supramental topic. According to the scope of the central idea of each unit, some inquiry clues are identified.
We develop activities based on central ideas and inquiry clues. Children explore around six inquiry steps, each of which is permeated with different skills and ten learner development goals. In daily social activities, children also showed good communication, respect for others and care for others. In the process of inquiry, children formed different learning methods, communication skills, self-management skills and research skills.
At ASJ, we respect the unique rhythm of each child, so teachers observe and record key events in each child"s development. This helps us to understand each student"s progress and plan the next step. Teachers also provide each student with a portfolio that reflects the child"s development in different areas, regularly sharing the child"s growth with parents.
We explore the development of children
At present, ASJ Kindergarten has 4 teachers, one English teacher, one Chinese teacher, one Chinese junior teacher, and one childminder, all of whom are qualified and have many years of experience. Teaching language is mainly English and Mandarin, teachers will choose the teaching language according to the students" acceptance level. In addition, as a member of the education system of the Guangdong-Hong Kong-Macao Greater Bay Area, Cantonese is the characteristic language of ASJ education and can be used in daily life.
What progress has been made by the kindergarten students who have been enrolled for 3 months?
1. There has been a marked improvement in the students" ability to inquire and the children now enjoy asking questions. At first, children were unable to answer questions such as, "What aspects of the subject do you want to know?" "What do you want to learn from this topic?" "Do you have any questions?" But now children can ask a lot of interesting questions, which means they are becoming more familiar with inquiry-based learning methods and developing inquiry-based thinking.
2. Children learn to help each other and the spirit of love. In the classroom, teachers instruct children to ask their classmates for help when they need it, or to ask their teachers if their friends can"t help. One of IB"s ten goals is caring. We teach our children to be kind and understanding.
3. Through the first unit, teacher also observed the development and progress of the child"s other abilities. For example, in the first unit, when we set the training goal of a large class, we mainly focus on being good at thinking and being well-rounded. Most importantly, children will apply these learned skills to their daily activities.
"Let children form their own thinking" is an important part of early childhood teaching. ASJ aims to promote the development of children"s thinking ability in an all-round way through IB PYP course.
Application for
ASJ 2023 Spring Term
is now Open
Time for Sign Up:
December 05-30, 2022
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