报名中学部开放日,体验创意英式课堂!Open Day with English & Maths Creative Lessons

2023-02-03 19:11:11

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英语体验课将由经验丰富且充满活力的Mrs Chapman老师讲授,她是我校英语学科主任,对英语教学充满热情,并善于运用创新的英语教学方式。

Chapman 女士是佛山霍利斯的英语及语言学科主任,她在文学领域有深入研究,曾在伦敦和林肯郡不同类型的学校任教,而这些学校都有着严格的筛选标准。她也曾担任戏剧学科组长,同时运营学校的戏剧公司及戏剧项目。在英文的教学中,她也常常融入一些戏剧元素及相关的技巧。除此之外,Chapman 女士曾作为升学导师,协助学生进入理想的大学。




Pritchard 女士是佛山霍利斯数学学科副主任。在此之前,她所在的学校与华威大学建立了合作关系,数学学科是这所中学的传统优势学科,在英国排名第四。Pritchard 女士专注于创新学习,曾参加一个英国教育部专为优秀青年教师设计的培训项目。在课堂之外,她还喜欢法医科学、阅读和外出远足。她很高兴能够充分融入佛山霍利斯社区,与大家一起成长。

Rahman 博士加入佛山霍利斯担任数学老师一职。他拥有超过6年的数学教学经验,曾在中国、英国和巴基斯坦的小学、中学和高中阶段教授数学。Rahman 博士拥有优异的学术背景。他最近从中国电子科技大学毕业,获得了管理科学与工程的博士学位。


除了英式体验课之外,开放日活动流程还包括参观获得过最佳设计奖的校园设施和绿色开放空间,与校长Jane Arden女士、我们优秀的英国教师、在校学生和友好的招生老师们见面。意向家长和学生能够了解更多关于我们的英式课程、课外活动、学校生活、寄宿和支持服务的信息,以及在问答环节提出自己的问题。







Mrs Jane Arden

Jane Arden 女士是佛山市霍利斯外籍人员子女学校的校长。Arden女士曾在利物浦大学和利物浦摩尔大学深造,取得荣誉历史学学士学位和教育学研究生文凭(PGCE)。


Arden女士深耕教育行业近30年,所任职的学校在她的带领下取得斐然的IGCSE和A Level学术成绩。Arden女士也担任过英国AQA考试局英文学科助理首席考官近20年。她非常重视对教师的培训与指导,认为这是创建面向21世纪的学校的关键因素。





A Level(12-13年级)。

另外,学校还提供A Level预科课程,面向之前未学习过IGCSE的15-17岁学生,帮助他们顺利过渡到A Level课程。

在我们高素质和经验丰富的专科教师的帮助下,中学部学生们将随着高年级不断递进,学习和掌握更加全面和深入的学科知识。在IGCSE和A Level阶段,学生们可以按照自己感兴趣和擅长的科目进一步学习和参加考试,释放自己的潜力。




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LEH International School Foshan, a leading British Curriculum school in the heart of the Greater Bay Area in South China, is proud to announce that its first Secondary School Open Day ofTerm 2 will takeplace on Saturday morning, 11 February 2023.

Date and Time:

9am-12pm, Saturday, 11 Feb

This exciting event will provide prospective students and their families with the opportunity to explore the school, meet our experienced teachers and current students, and experience the unique atmosphere of LEH Foshan. One of the highlights of the day will be our British Taster Lessons, where students aged 11-17 (by August 2023) will get a taste of what it"s like to learn English & Mathematics in a progressive, creative and interactive approach.

English Taster Lesson

English is a critical subject that is taught at all levels of education at LEH Foshan. We aim to help students achieve full fluency in English and build their confidence, fluency, and understanding of the language and the culture behind it.

The English taster lesson will be taught by our experienced and dynamic English teacher Mrs Kathryn Chapman, Head of English, who will bring their passion for the subject to life and demonstrate the many exciting and innovative ways in which English is taught here.

Mrs Chapman is our Head of English and Head of Language Faculty, specialising in Literature. She has taught in London and Lincolnshire in a wide variety of different types of school, most recently selective. She has also been a Subject Leader in Drama, introducing it as a subject as well as running the school"s theatre company and their ambitious productions, and loves bringing drama skills into English learning. She has also worked as a Sixth Form tutor, supporting pupils into their preferred universities.

In our taster lesson for English, we will explore a poem that is both cleverly written and fun, to spark our imaginations! You"ll experience the student-centred approach that we take to teaching English, and see how our curriculum is designed to cultivate a love for the language and a lifelong desire to learn.

MathematicsTaster Lesson

Mathematics Department at LEH Foshan believes that students learn through doing. Our experienced Mathematics teachers Ms Nicola Pritchard and Dr Saif Rahman will lead an interactive taster lesson that showcases the engaging and dynamic approach we take to this subject.

Ms Pritchard is the Second in Mathematics Department at LEH Foshan. She came to our school from an outstanding school linked to University of Warwick, ranked 4th in the UK for Mathematics. With her focus on innovation in learning, she joined the UK Department of Education"s "Accelerate" programme, designed for talented young teachers. She has a range of interests outside of the classroom including Forensic Science, reading and spending time outdoors in nature, she is excited to be fully involved with the growing LEH community.

Dr Rahman joins LEH Foshan as a Teacher of Mathematics with over 6 years of experience in teaching mathematics at primary, middle and high school levels in different countries including Pakistan, China and the UK. Dr Rahman has a distinguished academic background. He has recently graduated with a PhD in Management Science and Engineering from the University of Electronic Science and Technology of China (UESTC).

Our lessons will challenge students to think critically and creatively, encouraging them to ask questions and explore Math in new and exciting ways.

In addition to the taster lessons, the open day will also include a tour of the school"s design-award-winning campus facilities and the green open space, as well as an opportunity to meet with Headteacher Mrs Jane Arden, our talented British teachers, current students, and friendly admissions staff. Prospective parents and students will be able to ask questions and learn more about our British curriculum, extra-curricular activities, school life, boarding and support services.


Information Session: Meet the Headteacher, Mrs Jane Arden

British Taster Lessons (for students aged 11-17 by August 2023)

School Tour

Admissions Info Session, Q&A

About the Headteacher

Mrs Jane Arden

Mrs Jane Arden is the Headteacher of LEH Foshan. She studied at both Liverpool, John Moores University and Liverpool University where she was awarded a BA (hons) in History, and a PGCE.

Prior to this role, Mrs Arden was the Deputy Principal of Chengdu Westminster founding team, as well Director of Teaching and Learning and Head of English. Before that, she spent four years as Head of Academics and English at Wellington College International.

With nearly 30 years in education, Mrs Arden has led schools to achieve outstanding IGCSE and A level results. She has also worked as Assistant Principal examiner for AQA English language. Training and mentoring teachers is key for her in creating schools fit for the 21st century.

About LEHF Secondary School

The Secondary School at LEH Foshan offers a comprehensive education, to students in Year 7 to Year 13, delivering a rigorous programme based on the renowned British Curriculum. The school offers a three-stage approach, including

Key Stage 3 (Year 7-9),

IGCSE (Year 10-11), and

A Level (Year 12-13).

The option of Pre-A Level is available to students aged 15-17 who wish to pursue the A Level programme but haven’t completed the IGCSE.

As students progress at Secondary School, they are able to achieve a deeper and broader understanding of the subjects in our well-rounded curriculum, with the support of our highly qualified and experienced specialist teachers. During the IGCSE and A Level stages, students have the opportunity to choose subjects that align with their interests and strengths, allowing them to truly thrive.

The school fosters a vibrant and supportive learning environment, offering a variety of extracurricular activities, day & boarding options, dedicated pastoral care, and individualised learning support services. As students approach graduation, the school provides comprehensive university and career guidance, helping them to pursue their aspirations. Our ultimate goal is to prepare students to enter world-class universities and embark on fulfilling careers.

Admission Assessment Session

For prospective students who are interested in pursuing your studies at LEH Foshan, we would like to invite you to participate in our admissions assessment in the afternoon from 1:30 pm. As a token of appreciation for your interest, we are pleased to offer a discounted application fee to all attendees who sign up before and on the day of 11th February. Please click below to register and take advantage of this exclusive opportunity.


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