每日观察!幼儿园到高中秋季招生启动会&港澳台侨联考中心发布会丨Admissions Launch for 2023
Dear Parents,
We look forward to meeting you at ISA Liwan in early spring, and to experience the freshness of the early spring campus, explore the education of children, experience the exquisite campus life and the charm of ISA Liwan"s curriculum.
ISA Liwan Admissions Launch for the 2023 Academic Year & JEE Centre Inauguration Conferencewill be held onSaturday, 11th February. We cordially invite you to the school as an important guest to discuss how to build an international education that is future-oriented, advanced in concept, shared in resources, and open and inclusive.
荔湾爱莎学校计划于2023年2月11日(星期六)在校园举办“爱莎荔湾秋季招生启动会 & 港澳台侨联考中心发布会”。现诚挚地邀请您莅临我校,共同探讨如何打造面向未来、理念先进、资源共享、开放包容的国际教育。
One Step to Know All ISALW Projects
ISA Wenhua Liwan School 荔湾爱莎文华 | International Pathway 国际方向 | Primary, Middle & High School 小学、初中、高中 |
National Pathways-CNC (国内中学部) 中考方向 | Middle & High School 初中&高中 | |
National Pathways-JEE (国内方向)港澳台侨联考中心 | High School 高中 | |
ISA Liwan IS 荔湾爱莎外籍 | K - 12 幼儿园、小学、初中、高中 |
You Can Get
Integrated Curriculum & Multiple University Pathways
JEE Centre Inauguration Conference
Scholarship Information Session
Multicultural Bazaar (Equestrian, Baseball, Fencing, Drama...)
Monthly Assessment
Explore the High-end Facilities
- Event Details活动信息 -
Date 日期
Saturday, 11, February 2023
Address 学校地址
West Gate, ISA Liwan, Hailong, Road,
Liwan District, Guangzhou
Please be aware that for personal safety, security, and health, the number of people at school is controlled andparents/children are required tohave their temperature takenbefore entering the school.
8:30 - 9:30
9:30 - 9:35
Student Performance
9:35 - 9:40
9:40 - 10:00
Keynote Speech:Build a Multicultural Ecosystem of International Education
10:00 - 10:15
JEE Centre Inauguration Conference
10:15 - 10:25
Scholarship Information Session
10:25 - 12:30
Trial Classes, Presentations & Consultations
IntegratedCurriculum &
Multiple University Pathways
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- 荔湾爱莎学校2023年秋季课程 -
在爱莎荔湾,初中与高中均可实现双轨升学;高中阶段的国际升学方向包含IBDP, A LEVEL, AP选修, 艺术升学等;国内升学方向则包含高考,港澳台侨联考,DSE等,为广大学子提供了多元的升学通道。
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Based on the vision and mission of ISA International Education Group and ISA Liwan, ISA Liwan attaches great importance to each student’s personal goals and growth, the high teacher student ratio meets the individual learning needs of students. ISA Liwan takes student growth as the core of practice, provides stu[1]dents with personalised support, and assists children in exploring the most suitable option for university pathways.
- Curriculum(2023 Autumn) of
Wenhua Liwan School -
ISA Liwan provides students with a variety of further education pathways.
Middle School:International & National Pathways.High School:International Pathways: IBDP, A-LEVEL, Art Centre, AP Elective
National Pathways: CNC, JEE, DSE
JEE Centre Inauguration Conference
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Authoritative data mentions: in recent years, the number of JEE applicants is low, less than 5,000 people per year, and a high rate of promotion (up to 85% or more). The JEE is an excellent benefit for students from Hong Kong, Macau and Taiwan. Through the JEE, it is easier for them to enter the top-class universities in the motherland.
In addition to the three main curriculum systems, the implementation of the JEE Centre has been a strong support for the construction of a multi-faceted curriculum and access to education at ISA Liwan. JEE has enriched the multiple pathways of National pathways.
Language Advantage
Exclusive advantage: 80% expat teachers
Senior English teachers from JEE focus on English fundamentals, problem-solving techniques and test-taking strategies, and expat teachers strengthen listening, speaking, reading and writing skills.
Elite Faculty Team
ISA Liwan JEE Centre hold nearly 30 years of experience in the field of JEE, and have not only worked for decades on the front line of teaching, but have also written the syllabus, textbooks, and analysis of exam questions and other publicly published materials.
Elite Advantage
- Top-class faculty, management, facilities, and environment
- Small class size & differentiated teaching
- High quality resources. Be the change, make a difference
Integration Advantage
Combined of arts and sciences, East and West, internal and external, and specialized. Based on reality, with an eye on the future.
ISA Liwan
Scholarship Information Session
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The ISA Scholarship Programmes is coming! The total amount of scholarship has reached 1 million CNY, and the Top Scholarship is more than one million - ISA Liwan plans to select 8 outstanding youngsters among the junior students in 2023, and reward each outstanding student with a scholarship of nearly 1 million CNY per person (for three years of high school), which is more than 8 million CNY in total.
ISA Liwan is fully committed to paving the way for students, and wish them to set their ambitions and be dreamers.On the Open Day, ISA scholarship recipients will share the stories behind these honors, help new students by answering their questions together.
The ISA Liwan millions Scholarship Information Session will be launched on February 11 and applications are available on site.
Multicultural Bazaar
(Equestrian, Baseball, Ballet, Drama...)
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Some of the courses shown below
Physics Bowl 物理碗
Math Competition 数学竞赛
National Economics Challenges
ASDAN Business Simulation 阿思丹模拟商赛
United States Academic Pentathlon (USAP) - a year-long program
Junior Canadian Chemistry Olympiad (JCCO)
Model United Nation 模拟联合国(MUN)
Baseball 棒球
Fencing 击剑
Badminton 羽毛球课
Football Club 足球俱乐部
Weight lifting 健身训练
Swimming 游泳
basketball 篮球
Cricket 板球
Ultimate Frisbee 极限飞盘
Board game club 桌游俱乐部
Chess 国际象棋
Chinese Checkers 跳棋
Dancing Lion 醒狮
Cantonese Opera 粤剧
Cantonese 粤语课堂
Yoga 瑜伽
Ballet 芭蕾
Middle-School Hip-hop Team 中学街舞社
English rap performance 英语说唱表演
Musical Theatre 音乐剧
Piano 钢琴
Violin 小提琴课
Flute 长笛课
Ukulele 尤克里里
DIY 创“艺”
Rubber stamp club 橡皮章制作
Clay model making 粘土模型制作
Photography Introduction 摄影入门
English movies 英语电影赏析
Java programming Java编程课
STEAM 科技综合基础
Vex IQ 机器人
Sustainability club 可持续发展探究课
> 马术,策马追风,感受马背乐趣;
> 棒球,尽情挥洒热血与激情;
> 科技创新课程,一起探索科技的乐趣与攻坚克难的成就感;
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With “student-centred” approach, we recognise individual differences, provide students with multiple paths and rich learning resources.
Some of the courses shown below
Physics Bowl 物理碗
Math Competition 数学竞赛
National Economics Challenges
ASDAN Business Simulation 阿思丹模拟商赛
United States Academic Pentathlon (USAP) - a year-long program
Junior Canadian Chemistry Olympiad (JCCO)
Model United Nation 模拟联合国(MUN)
Baseball 棒球
Fencing 击剑
Badminton 羽毛球课
Football Club 足球俱乐部
Weight lifting 健身训练
Swimming 游泳
basketball 篮球
Cricket 板球
Ultimate Frisbee 极限飞盘
Board game club 桌游俱乐部
Chess 国际象棋
Chinese Checkers 跳棋
Dancing Lion 醒狮
Cantonese Opera 粤剧
Cantonese 粤语课堂
Yoga 瑜伽
Ballet 芭蕾
Middle-School Hip-hop Team 中学街舞社
English rap performance 英语说唱表演
Musical Theatre 音乐剧
Piano 钢琴
Violin 小提琴课
Flute 长笛课
Ukulele 尤克里里
DIY 创“艺”
Rubber stamp club 橡皮章制作
Clay model making 粘土模型制作
Photography Introduction 摄影入门
English movies 英语电影赏析
Java programming Java编程课
STEAM 科技综合基础
Vex IQ 机器人
Sustainability club 可持续发展探究课
At the bazaar of this Open Day, you can experience some of the auxiliary courses.
- Equestrian, chasing the wind on horseback and experiencing the fun
- Baseball, to splash blood and passion
- STEAM Centre, explore the fun of science and technology and the sense of achievement of overcoming difficulties together
The Activities will be supported by ISA Academy, with its masters and resources, you can experience different courses.
You are strongly encouraged to register for the event and experience the world-class multi-cultural courses.
Monthly Assessment
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- 能够真实反映学生各学科的学习状况,更可以反映出学生在不同学习阶段间的成长变化情况;
- 能够帮助学校了解孩子的兴趣爱好和习惯;
- 开启良好的家校沟通,共同促进孩子的综合素质发展,为孩子的人生道路做好铺垫;
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ISA Liwan provides a comprehensive analysis of your child"s academic/physical and mental development and plan through monthly enrollment assessments. Through the assessment,
- Can truly reflect the learning of students in various subjects, and moreover, can reflect the growth and changes of students between different learning stages.
- Being able to help schools understand children"s interests and and habits.
- Kepp a fine relationship between home and school, jointly promoting the students" comprehensive development and paving the way for their life.
- Customize personalized growth plans for students.
Explore the High-end Facilities
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行至亭台楼阁处,您与孩子还可踱步至爱莎荔湾餐厅。爱莎荔湾餐厅配备专业营养师,与世界500强的餐饮公司合作提供餐饮服务,根据学生健康成长的需求,定制每周菜式并出具营养分析报告。届时您和孩子可以前往爱莎荔湾餐厅,享受美味午餐,深度体验 “舌尖上的爱莎”。
- slide for more photos 向左滑看更多校园设施 -
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ISA Liwan is embedded with the essence of Lingnan culture and adheres to the architectural philosophy and aesthetic standards of ISAIEG’s schools, combining a high degree of technology and humanity. ISA Liwanfollows the pattern of Topdown, and designs the campus according to the curriculum systemis committed to providing a green, safe and environmentally friendly campus that provides a stimulating learning environment for all teachers and students. The Lingnan buildings and pavilions mix with beautiful water scenery and fragrant flowers.
At the pavilion, you can pace to ISA Liwan Restaurant, ISA Liwan Cafeteria is managed by one of the world"s top 500 catering companies. Generally, nutritionists review the weekly menu and issue nutritional analysis reports according to the healthy growing needs of students. On this Open Day, we strongly recommend you to have a wonderful lunch at ISA Liwan Cafeteria, and experience the creativity on the tip of the tongue.
On the Day, We invite you to our boarding house, which is equipped with equipped with one of the most modernly-designed boarding facilities in the Greater Bay Area, building an immersive community to “explore, experience and grow”.
- slide for more photos 向左滑看更多校园设施 -