全球新资讯:聚焦竞赛 丨全球卓越奖!IB学子英美数学竞赛再传捷报

2023-02-17 18:55:55

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日前,各国际数学竞赛结果相继揭晓,广州外国语学校爱莎文华IBDP课程学生再创佳绩。其中,在2022美国数学竞赛(AMC)中获得1枚全球卓越奖、2枚全球优秀奖、6位同学获得AIME晋级资格,在英国数学奥林匹克竞赛(BMO)中斩获1枚全球荣誉奖、1枚全球优秀奖、1位同学晋级BMO Round2!




AMC是American Mathematics Competition美国数学竞赛的缩写,由美国数学协会(Mathematics Association of America)于1950年成立。





Julie Zhu




Winston Chen






Bryan Liao






British Mathematical Olympiad(BMO)英国数学奥林匹克竞赛由成立于1996年的United Kingdom Mathematics Trust(UKMT)英国数学基金会组织的旗下针对高年级中学生难度最大的竞赛。主要侧重于考察学生应用数学基本概念到非一般题目的能力。



英国数学奥赛(BMO R1)


Janety Zhang




Eric Zhao





衷 心 祝 贺


Recently, the results of various international mathematics competitions have been announced one after another. The students at Guangzhou Foreign Language School ISA Wenhua IB Diploma Programme once again made great achievements. Among them, in the 2022 American Mathematics Competition (AMC), they won 1 Honor Roll of Distinction, 2 Certificate of Distinction and 6 Higher than the AIME Cutoff. In the British Mathematical Olympiad (BMO), they won1 Certificate of Distinction,1 Certificate of Merit and 1 invitation to sit the BMO Round 2!


What is American Mathematics Competition (AMC)?

AMC is not only a talent pool of top mathematics talents in the United States, the application websites of many prestigious universities such as MIT, Stanford University, and Carnegie Mellon University also require students to fill in their AMC competition results. AMC plays a major role in training candidatesfor the US International Mathematical Olympiad (IMO) team, and it is the only competition system used by the USto select its IMO national team.

Students Sharing:

American Mathematics Competition (AMC10&12)


Julie Zhu

Winner of AMC Certificate of Distinction

In preparing for the AMC, my teachers and classmates have given me a lot of help. The inquiry-based classes of IB mathematics cultivate our thinking ability. The special mathematics competition classes provided by the school give us targeted training. After class, students discuss mathematics topics with each other and learn from each other. All of these brought great benefits to my learning of mathematics and preparation for the competition.


Winston Chen

Winner of AMC Certificate of Distinction

I think there is a big difference between the AMC and the mathematics I am learning now. In my opinion, AMC seems to pay more attention to problem solving skills in mathematics, while the IB mathematics I am studying focuses on the understanding of mathematics.

While preparing for AMC, it is inevitable that I would encounter some problems that I cannot solve. When this happened, I would first ask my classmates for help. I think this is a good way, because it becomes easy to produce new problem-solving solutions while discussing with classmates.

At the same time, I would like to thank our teacher for opening the competition training class during the CCA time, explaining the questions, and answering our questions.


Bryan Liao

Winner of Honor Roll of Distinction

I think the IB mathematics is different from the mathematics I have known before. It pays more attention to logical thinking and solutions by steps, which is very helpful for the cultivation of logical thinking skills. In the AMC, the whole test paper gave me the feeling that I was very rushed, and the difficulty of the test paper was graded. Participants need to dividetheir own answering time according to their ability. In the preparation and practice, we all encounter difficult questions. I would find teachers to answer my questions after class and during the competition training class, and the students also arrange time to share their experience in solving mathematics problems. I hope that more students who are interested in mathematics will participate in this competition in the future, and they will always have a passion for mathematics.


What is British Mathematical Olympiad (BMO)?

The British Mathematical Olympiad (BMO) is organized by the United Kingdom Mathematics Trust (UKMT) founded in 1996. It is the most difficult competition of UKMT for senior secondaryschool students. The focus is to examine students" ability to apply basic concepts of mathematics to solving mathematics problems.

Thelocal students can compete for a seat in the UK International Mathematical Olympiad team through BMO. As a highly valuable mathematics competition, it is almost a necessary competition for those pursuing Oxbridge applications. For students who want to sprint for Oxbridge and G5 universities, winning in the BMO is not only a direct showof their mathematical skills but also the best proof of their passion for mathematics.

Students Sharing:

British Mathematical Olympiad (BMO Round 1)


Janety Zhang

Winner of BMO Certificateof Distinction

This is my first time participating in BMO, but I already knew about this competition before I took the IB programme. As the highest-level mathematics competition in the UK, it isa highly valuable one. It adopts the form of free response questions and tests the students" complete thoughtson answeringthe questions. It is a pity for me failing to enter Round 2 by one point. But I have also gained a lot. I hope that I will continue to work hard to enter BMO Round 2 and win some awards next year.


Eric Zhao

Winner of BMO Certificate of Merit

I am honoured to have achieved a good result in the BMO Round 1.

The overall difficulty of this competition is relatively high. There are only few questions, but the difficulty of each question is very high. It takes a lot of time to think before answering the questions. The teachers gave me a lot of help when I was preparing for the BMO, such as providing special competition training classes, etc.

While learning mathematics for the competition, I think the most important thing is not to learn a lot of new concepts, but to consolidate the concepts already learned by practicing questions, because if you cannot skilfully apply the new concepts to the questions, it is still useless even if you learn many new concepts.


Congratulations to the above award-winning students! Today"s results are rewards for and after hard work, and today"s honour is the motivation for further learning. We hope that more students will actively participate in the competition, forge ahead and achieve excellent results!


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