
2023-03-01 11:10:10

日语课 Japanese






IGCSE和A Level日语学习的学生正在全力以赴地准备今年的考试。我们在IG口语练习中扮演考官和考生,以野心和假期等数十个话题创作出日常日语对话。我们根据A Level过去试卷进行阅读段落的尝试自己做题,归纳出每个问题背后的关键点;我们在A Level中建立个人的研究数据,在针对日本文化和社会写文章时生成AI机器人。


“You live a new life for every language you speak. If you know only one language, you live only once.” – Czech proverb

Learning another language is not only learning different words for the same things, but learning another way to think about things. Deeply connected to traditional Chinese language and history, Japanese has been one of the predominantly popular languages chosen to study by Chinese students. Lucton offers Japanese as a foreign language to students from all year groups.

Pre-IG group is just opening their horizon to a brand new language. Identifying 50 Hiragana letters seems like a mission impossible to them at the beginning. However, by recognizing 5 letters each lesson, they continue impressing everyone, including themselves. Syllables and letters keep coming out from speaking and writing during card games. They are indeed enjoying the moment of winning game while learning Japanese subconsciously.

IGCSE and A level Japanese groups are putting all of their effort in preparing for the exams this year. We role play as examiner and examinees in IG speaking practice, creating conversations in Japanese on tens of topics, such as ambitions and holidays; we try to make the questions on our own according to reading passages from A level past papers, in order to generalize the key points behind each question; we build our personal database of research work in A level to generate as an AI robot while writing essays in response to Japanese culture and society.

“You can never understand one language until you understand at least two. “Learning a foreign language will somehow raise conscience of culture, history and society of our own country.

Ms Stella Dong

语言老师 Language Teacher


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