IB Exhibition IB学生作品展丨原来IB作业如此多彩!

2023-03-14 17:02:09






△Jason Zuo制作海报分析戏剧《雷雨》作者曹禺

△Mily Li 散文作品《骨灰》

△Natalia Kang和Simon Deng梳理苏轼生平

△Jay Liang设计的册子




Sara Gui同学通过艺术进行自我剖析,把真实的自我以Mix-Media Painting的形式表达出来。

Susan Liu 同学以《爱丽丝梦游仙境》为灵感来源,创作服装设计作品。




△Matt Zhang写给未来自己的一封信

△Rachel Li 同学着眼于抖音上物化女性的现象,


△Julia Peng抨击艺术家进行创作时浪费事物的现象。


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Recently, the Learning Achievement Exhibition of Guangzhou Foreign Language School ISA Wenhua IB Diploma Programme officially kicked off at the Global Plaza of GZFLS. This exhibition is composed of students assignments of the past few months. It is rich in content and diverse in form. It is a comprehensive display of the teaching and learning achievements.

Click to watch the video

and review the wonderful moments

of the exhibition

New Ideas on Common Subjects

In this exhibition, many are just taken from the students’ daily assignments in Chinese, English and other common subjects. From these assignments, we could easily see that the IB class encourages independent inquiry and dialectical thinking and pays attention to integrating quality education and holistic education.

Taking the Chinese subject as an example, in addition to text analysis and literary creation, we also see that students in Chinese class use drawing to sort out the lives of famous people in history, design book covers based on the content of novels, and make posters to analyse drama authors and so on. Taking the English subject as another example, in addition to basic writing, students also write speeches in class, make brochures, etc.

△Jason Zuo made a poster to analyse Cao Yu,

the drama author of "Thunderstorm"

△Essay "Burned Ashes" by Mily Li

△Natalie Kang and Simon Deng sort out

the significant experiences of Su Shi

△Brochure designed by Jay Liang

Innovations Beyond the Academic

The IB curriculum advocates holistic education and focuses on students’ balanced development. In addition to the academic courses, the IB arts also play an important role in the IBDP curriculum. In this exhibition, we see how IB students inquire into common phenomena and daily topics through art to understand themselves and explore the world.

Sara Gui conducts self-analysis through art and expresses her true self in the form of Mix-Media Painting.

Susan Liuused "Alice in Wonderland" as a source of inspiration to create costume design.

Besides teaching skills, IB arts provide inquiry-based education, to develop students’ transferable learning ability. In the class, the IB art teachers have the students think and internalize the new knowledge they learn, cultivate their abilities of critical thinking and inquiry, help them better learn and understand other subjects, and solve practical problems.

Promoting New Thinking

from Multiple Dimensions

From the IB exhibition, we see that IB students are good at following diverse issues and thinking about them from multiple perspectives. They not only pay attention to the present, but also make connection with the past and look into the future; they not only focus on themselves, but also care about the community and social issues.

△ A letter written by Matt Zhang

to his future self in English class

△Rachel Li creates a three-dimensional

installation art criticizing the phenomenon of

objectifying women on TikTok

△Julia Peng criticizes artists

for their waste during artistic creation

Choosing students assignments for this exhibition also reflects the emphasis that IB attaches to the learning process of students. In many other curriculum systems, the evaluation of students only comes from the results of a handful of exams. Whereas, in IB assessment, each subject grade comprises internal assessment and external assessment. This assessment system that focuses on the learning process avoids the situation where students are graded only by few exam results and allows a more comprehensive and objective evaluation of students.


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