天天快报!Upcoming Events at CISK 活动来袭,请查收
We have a plethora of events at CISK every month. We are always delighted that our students can gain so much from their education here. It’s not just about academics, it’s not just about fun activities: it’s about applying what has been learned in the classroom in real-life experiences so that our students are challenged and can grow as all-round people. Like the spring flowers, we see them blossom. What better job could a person have?
So what’sahead?
May 12 -Terry Fox Run
5月12日 - 泰瑞·福克斯慈善义跑
For nearly ten years at CISK students have been taking part in the annual charity fun run, raising money for cancer research. Parents will be in attendance to watch their children race around our school running track, after which charity sales will take place in the gym.
May 13&27-Open House
5月13&27日 - 校园开放日
Throughout the school year CISK opens its doors to parents and interested members of the local community can visit to see what happens inside the school gates. Senior staff give presentations on the school philosophy and activities, teachers give demo classes, kids can play in the school facilities, and parents can explore our beautiful campus. Come and see for yourself!
May 26 - Parents Open Day (Class visit) + Art Auction
5 月26 -家长开放日+艺术拍卖会日
This is a wonderful day for parents to experience classes with their children at CISK. During the courses, parents can also feel the charm of personalized education.
This annual charity event is a fantastic opportunity for CISKers to harness their creativity while practicing important CISK Values: Caring, Loving, and Supporting.This year, all money received from the auction will be donated toCharitable Organizations.
June 1-Family Fun Day
6月1 日 - 家庭欢乐日
An annual event with fun games and activities for students and parents, the Family Fun Day has long been an annual fixture at CISK and one of the most cherished events. Which child wouldn’t like to see their parents competing at races and games after a year of doing their best at school?