Dare to Win |达罗捷派学子与全球优秀青年同台竞技,斩获多项国际级学术奖项
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行而不辍,履践致远。在过去的这一年里,达罗捷派学子在不同的学术领域中熠熠发光,在老师的指导和家长的支持下,砥砺深耕,奋楫笃行,在各大国际赛事中都取得了优异成绩,获得多项国家级荣誉奖项并进军全球赛,与全世界的优秀学子同场竞技。各项学术比赛获奖播报Hi World世界文化日:学生将以创新的项目式学习的方式进行课题研究。每年全球超过60万学子、近3万名老师参与,最终约3000名顶尖学生脱颖而出,来到全球站。他们根据官方给定的主题自定课题,自选领域,大到人文历史、文化传媒、科技建筑、商业金融、体育运动等多个宏观领域;小到一则家庭的故事、一门学科的起源、一个硬币的诞生等鲜为人知的奥秘。所有参与的学生均可获得NHD官方认证的活动参与证书;所有获得最佳作品奖的选手,将晋级NHD中国站。我校1个项目组5名同学参赛荣获全国纪录片金奖;
USAD (United States Academic Decathlon) 美国学术十项全能比赛 :美国首屈一指的高中生综合学术竞赛平台,迄今已经拥有近五十年历史。USAD凭借跨学科竞赛内容和极高的学术价值而享有盛名,被誉为“通往世界名校的主题通识学术挑战”,每年都有超过2万名顶尖高中生参与其中,被视为海外名校的敲门砖。在过去相当多的年份中,美国学术十项全能的全美冠军队伍都受到时任美国总统的接见和表彰。我校9名同学参赛共揽获16个奖项;他们是:平浩然、李云清、李玉儿、林佳一、张瀚元、刘思远、刘瀚铂、许施博、柳天乐CTB(China Thinks Big)全球华人创新大赛 :China Thinks Big是全球范围极具影响力的华人青少年跨学科挑战项目,从最熟悉的身边世界开始,发现和提出一个想要研究的社会问题,通过学术研究和时间行动来改善或解决问题,成就自己的社会的影响力。CTB历届获奖者中曾走出多位省市高考状元、数百位哈佛耶鲁等常春藤级世界名校录取者,数千位世界知名学府和国内顶尖高校录取者。我校1个项目组3名同学参赛,荣获全球站国际级最高荣誉,全球第三名;她们是:陈彬芮、杜羽瑄、郭诗雨。National STEM League 中学生STEM大联盟:美国顶尖顶尖理⼯院校主办,⾼含⾦量活动之一,将四大最具创新性和唯一一个将工程、编程、数学、商业和艺术四大学术板块打通的 STEM 活动,通过模拟运营科技赛车公司并担任不同角色来完成真正的团队项目式学习。在活动中,以团队为小组,模拟⼀家赛⻋科技公司运营,完成比赛后,将收获高含金量证书,并为升读大学打下坚实基础。我校1个项目组5名同学参赛共揽获4个奖项;他们是:杨子墨、郑家彤、肖杰铭、王子杰、贾昊澎;National Academic Quiz Tournaments NAQT超级碗竞赛:24年历史的全球跨学科知识竞答赛,NAQT通过抢答的方式考察11个不同领域的高中学术与常识。每周进行排位赛,今年于7月上旬开始中国站比赛,与往届知名NAQT获奖团队切磋,为今后升读世界顶尖学府竞答社团做好充足准备。个人赛中我校3位同学参赛揽获5个奖项;团队赛中参赛小组8人参赛揽获3个奖项;他们是:范曦文、黎宇轩、何湘濡、兰琄琪、李昂、谢国睿、杨璟华、朱沛然。International Genetically Engineered Machine Competition IGEM国际基因工程机器大赛:创始于2003年,每年由美国麻省理工学院(Massachusetts Institute ofTechnology,MIT)主办,是合成生物学领域的国际性学术竞赛。国际基因工程机器大赛涵盖多学科,参赛团队需要利用标准生物模块(Biobricks)来构建基因回路、建立有效的数学模型,实现对精致复杂人工生物系统(artificial biosystem)的预测、操纵和测量以完成比赛。我校2名同学参赛,其所在战队荣获高中组全球金奖、高中组全球十佳战队并获得多个全球级别奖项提名;他们是:连文哲、王子杰。The World Scholar"s Cup(WSC)世界学者杯:由Mr. Daniel Berdichevsky成立,以培养8-18岁“青年学者”为目的,每年有超过70个国家,140+城市,近5万名代表同台竞技,140场区域赛,6场全球赛,全球排名角逐耶鲁大学冠军赛。以知识竞答、协同创作(团队写作)、知识挑战、团队辩论赛的形式,来自全球的青少年围绕科学、社会学、历史、艺术&音乐、文学、通识的6大学科进行跨学科学术挑战,“小学者”们在这一场金牌国际学术盛宴中从更多角度和层面提升学术素养,用轻松的方式讨论严肃的全球议题,找到学习的真正乐趣。我校1个项目组3名同学参赛荣获(团队答题)项目高中组银奖;他们是:侯子安、江柔、王子杰。MODEL APEC:通过模拟APEC会议的形式,亚太地区十几个国家的中学生群体一起参与到APEC以及亚太经济合作一体化的进程中来。大赛全国总冠军将作为中国青年代表参加该年的APEC领导人非正式会议相关活动。我校1名同学参赛荣获全国三等奖她是:冯嵩International Linguistics Olympiad 国际语言学奥林匹克竞赛:是国际科学奥林匹克竞赛之一。它面向全世界的高中生,以锻炼和培养年轻人的思维能力、团队合作能力和问题解决能力而著称。在这项为期5天的赛事中,来自世界各地,拥有不同文化背景的年轻人将面对面地进行紧张、有趣的竞赛和交流,锻炼能力、增进了解。我校1名同学参赛荣获专业组金奖,成功入选中国队代表队他是:尹浩阳Student Investment Challenge 中学生投资学术活动:SIC旨在培养学生对投资及金融兴趣,帮助中学生养成良好的投资人品性,并不断加深对于各行业领域的理解,着眼于中学生学术及职业的长远发展。我校1名同学参赛,其所在战队荣获团队最佳投资策略、投资策略展示奖;她是:侯子安。American Mathematics Competition美国数学竞赛 AMC:由美国数学协会举办的美国数学竞赛,是世界上目前信度和效度最高的数学考试。AMC试题研发由美国AMC委员会全权负责,该委员会成员皆来自MIT、Harvar、Princeton等全美一流学府。我校1名同学参赛荣获该项目卓越奖她是:张生雪卉British Physics Olympic 英国物理奥林匹克竞赛:是英国最高水平的高中物理竞赛。BPhO英国中学物理奥林匹克竞赛,是由牛津大学物理系、英国物理学会和 Odaen基金会组成,物理类含金量最高的国际意赛之一。
每一年,达罗捷派学子都会通过不同学术类别的竞赛,多维度拓展自己的能力,不断探索自己擅长的领域。在一次次实践中获得更加多元的视角,学会打破学科的界限,拓展学术知识深度,了解更广阔的学术领域。在不断前行中不断更新,在不断更新中持续探索。JPED竞赛说明文件部分截取升学指导团队也会根据学生不同的爱好、特长和升学需要,对学生进行1对1的指导,帮助他们匹配最适合自己的竞赛类别。01 知行合一,夯实学术基础参与学术类竞赛,不仅对本学科的学习知识有促进作用,其竞赛考察的知识点也与本学科内容息息相关,同时难度上会略高于平时的学习难度。这在一定程度上不仅帮助学生夯实日常学习内容,更能够在专业方向上有明显侧重,帮助学生加深对学科知识的探索,同时也能提高校内成绩。JPED Unit Project
JPED进行竞赛学术辅导每位老师不仅将自身专业传授给学生,更能够结合竞赛要求,将涉猎学科融入其中,使得学生能够全面地对知识进行掌握,这使得学生们在备赛过程中受到了极大的支持。02 多维培养,丰富综合能力国际性赛事不仅是对学生学术知识的考验,其涉猎之广,强度之大,与时事联系紧密,对参赛学生的知识储备、创新精神、批判性思维、跨学科学习等能力都是不小的考验。需要学生能够通过实践活动拥有发现问题、解决问题的能力。NSL参赛团队成员是第一次参与此类竞赛。筹备过程中他们分为工程组及商务组,每组同学各司其职,从产品设计、外型包装、产品建模生产、商业运营、社团运营等每一个环节,利用自己所学知识共同完成团队的0到1组建,并在竞赛中取得优异的成绩。NSL 竞赛中工程部的同学对赛车进行维护国际性赛事大多需要以团队的形式参加,旨在通过竞赛更好地培养学生之间的团队协作能力,在参与竞赛的过程中,提高沟通合作能力、表达能力、应急处理能力。锻炼批判性思维、时间管理及统筹策划能力;
03 探索方向,确认发展目标
学生个人兴趣爱好的发掘及培养对未来的学习、生活起着至关重要的作用。在学习中,兴趣的引导往往是最好的老师,能够帮助学生主动思考钻研。同时也能够通过竞赛帮助学生从兴趣爱好出发,对专业国际课程进行全面了解,确认未来发展目标。Hi World 参赛成员均为JPED High School Prep 的成员,他们年龄较小,正是通过不断尝试进行探索的阶段。小组成员对中国古建筑比较有兴趣,同时因为疫情影响选择了交通较为方便以及有代表性的天坛作为研究目标。他们主要针对于天坛的历史背景,建筑构造以及带来的影响等方面做了研究。Hi World 参赛团队的任务划分采访古建筑保护方向专家通过竞赛,他们在实践中验证,在验证中探索,在探索中寻找,确认未来为之奋斗的专业目标。
部分获奖学生分享“今年暑假我参加了Hi World世界文化日的比赛,这次比赛让我感受良多收获颇丰。
-杨子墨““这次参加世界文化日的竞赛活动让我学到了很多,我们在研究的过程中对天坛有了更多,更深刻的了解。同时因为我们小组选择的是纪录片的形式,也让我对拍摄,剪辑,以及采访等工作更加熟悉。每一位小组成员都认真地完成了各自的工作,我们的老师还有吕舟老师也给予了我们很多帮助。最后我们也拿到了不错的成绩。-魏子涵““我们经过一次次的拍摄,精炼一次次的视频剪辑,一字一句的配音,不断的修改语气和断句,在大家共同的努力下,很荣幸在Hi-World竞赛中获得金奖。在这次竞赛中我感受到了团队的配合,互相理解包容和交流的重要性。是一次难忘的经历。-薛雨林““USAD比赛让我再一次思考学习的目的和意义。不同于校园内有准备有指导的教师学习,USAD要求同学们在相对较短的时间内掌握庞大的知识面,并将其应用于每年主办方所提供的主题上。将学习应用于实际生活中能够让同学们有着更加深刻的认知与应用。比起简单学习理论知识,我相信未来的学子们都将是明辨笃行,融会贯通。-平浩然““世界学者杯对我来说是一次非常难忘的体验,同时这场竞赛也是我人生中第一场学术竞赛,之前初中的时候从来没有过相关的经验。在筹备这场竞赛的过程中,学到的不光是不同学科,密密麻麻的知识点,最重要的是与队友合作的精神。我们互相提意见,倾听对方的想法,由此产生出对同一个话题不同角度的想法和见解,我觉得这个过程比比赛结果重要多。感谢世界学者杯让我体验到了再次挑战自我的精神,让我重拾自信,了解自己的能力和潜力!-江柔“Keep going, and go far. In the past year, JPED students had received glamorous achievements in various academic fields, under the guidance and support of teachers and parents, practiced hard as a team, and received excellent results in major international competitions, including numerous national honorary awards, competing against outstanding scholars from around the world.
Winning reports from various academic competition
Hi World Culture Day: Students conduct research projects and learn by doing. Every year, more than 600,000 students and nearly 30,000 teachers around the world participate, and only about 3,000 top students qualify for the global round. The participating groups decide their own topics based on the given official theme, and selected their own fields of study, ranging from humanities and history, culture and media, science and technology architecture, business and finance, to sports and other fields. Ideas range from family anecdote, to the origin of academic subject, to the birth of a coin as well as other mysteries. All participants receive an NHD-certified certificate of participation in the event; All contestants who won the Best Work Award will advance to NHD China.One group consisting of 5 students was awarded group documentary national gold in the junior division;They are: Sophia Xue, Allison Guo, Joan Wei, Peter Zhang, Ivan Yu.USAD (United States Academic Decathlon):The most prestigious academic competition platform for high schoolers in the United States with a history of nearly fifty years. known for its wide coverage and academic prestige, the USAD has being honored as the “gate to top higher education opportunities", and more than 20,000 outstanding high school students participate each year, also commonly regarded as the stepping stone to education overseas. In the past years, high achieving national champion teams were honored by the president of the United States.
9 members of the JPED community attended this competition, receiving 16 awards;
They are: Jason Ping, Jim Li, Jane Li, Aone Lin, Hanyuan Zhang, Frank Liu, Michael Liu, Edison Xu, Dino Liu;CTB (China Thinks Big) Global Chinese Innovation Competition:China Thinks Big is a interdisciplinary and highly influential challenge participated by Chinese people all over the world. Starting from the surrounding environments, participants discover and select societal problems they would like to address, and then propose solutions after series of formal academic research and action, being the change they want to see. Among the previous winners of CTB, many scored the highest in their state, hundreds were admitted to Harvard, Yale and other Ivy League universities, and thousands were admitted to top institutions both domestic and world-wide.3 students from the JPED community formed a single group and received top honors at the global round, placing third world-wide;They are: Rachel Chen, Aimee Du, and Sherry GuoNational STEM League (STEM League for Middle School Students):Hosted by the top STEM education institutions in the United States, one of most prestigious events out there, merges innovation with engineering, programming, math, business, math, and arts, and is the only STEM related event able to do so. Participants simulates a car racing company, each member taking on different roles, and learn by doing and as a group. Through operating a race car company simulation and completing a track race participants will receive a high-content certificate that lays a solid foundation for both applying to and further learning in higher education institutions.5JPED students collaborated as a single unit and received 4 distinct honors in this event;They are: Hebe Yang, Abigail Zheng, Harry Xiao, Jerry Wang, Jarvis PengNational Academic Quiz Tournaments (NAQT Super Bowl): An interdisciplinary quiz with 24 years of history that tests its participants on general knowledge from 11 academic fields. Qualifying competitions are held every week, and this year, the China round will be held in early July, to battle against previous winning teams, and to prepare for the future admission to the top universities’ quiz bowl clubs.3 JPED students participated in the individual round and received 5 awards;1 group consisting on 8 JPED students participated in the group round and received 3 awards;They are: Steve Fan, Andrew Li, Nina He, Daisy Lan, Leon Li, Ray Xie, John Yang, Elina Zhu.International Genetically Engineered Machine Competition IGEM International Genetic Engineering Machine Competition: Founded in 2003 and hosted annually by the Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT), the IGEM is an international academic competition specializing inBiosynthesis. The International Genetic Engineering Machines Competition is multidisciplinary, and participating teams need to use standard biobricks to build genetic circuits, establish effective mathematical models, and predict, manipulate, measure complex artificial biosystems to complete the competition.2 JPED students participated in this competition, their competing teams rewarded high school division global gold award, top ten high school teams globally, and was nominated for several global awards.They are:Peter Lian,Jerry Wang.The World Scholar"s Cup (WSC):Founded by Mr. Daniel Berdichevsky, the WSC educate "young scholars" aged 8-18, coming from 70 countries, 140+ cities, with 50,000 participants, 140 regional rounds, 6 global rounds, and the final round held at Yale university itself. Participants are being tested In the forms of individual and group knowledge quizzes, collaborative writing, and team debate., young people from all over the world meet academic challenges around six subjects: science, social studies, history, art & music, literature, and general studies. Participants face off global issues and learn in a fun and interactive way.One group consisting of 3 JPED students participated in this competition and was awarded silver in the “Team bowl” event;They are: Annie Hou, Ashley Jiang, Jerry WangMODEL APEC:Through the formof mock APEC conferences, secondary school students from more than a dozen countries in the Asia-Pacific region participate in the process of Asia-pacific integration and economic cooperation. The national champion of the competition will participate as the Chinese youth representative of this year"s informal APEC Economic Leaders" Meeting.One JPED student participated in this event and was received national third class awardShe is: Linda FengInternational Linguistics Olympiad:is one of the international Olympiads. It targets high school students from all over the world and is known for developing young minds’ critical thinking skills, teamwork abilities, and problem-solving skills. During this five-day event, young people from all over the world and from different cultural backgrounds will face off in intense and fun competitions to hone their abilities and increase their understanding.
One JPED student attended this event and was awarded gold, also selected into the Chinese national team.
He is: Frank Yin
Student Investment Challenge Academic: SIC aims to cultivate students" interest in investment and finance, it helps middle school students to develop what it needs to become a good investor, and deepen their understanding of various industries, focusing on the long-term academic and professional development of secondary school students.One JPED student participated in this event, her participating team rewarded Best strategy showcase-silver, and Best strategy report-gold.She is: Annie HouAmerican Mathematics Competition (AMC): The American Mathematics Competition - hosted by the American Mathematical Association - is the most reliable and valid mathematics test in the world. AMC test questions are developed by the AMC Committee of the United States, Whose members are from MIT, Harvard, Princeton and other top universities in the United States.1 JPED student participated in this competition and was given the distinction rewardShe is: Rita ZhangBritish Physics Olympiad: The most prestigious high school physics competition in the UK. The BPhO British Secondary School Physics Olympiad is founded by Oxford Physics, Physics society of the UK, and the ODAEN organization.One JPED student participated in this competition and awarded bronzeHe is: Hanyuan ZhangAfter a thousand wing slaps, we are closer to the sky. After travelling tens of thousands of miles, the journey seems further. Through perseverance it"s not hard to see the JPEDer"s rich knowledge bank, strong interdisciplinary abilities, innovation, and team work abilities.
Why JPED recomments students to participate in variousinternational competition?Tolstoy once said said: "There are only two kinds of people in the world: those who spectate and those who do." JPED finds the integration of theory and reality very important; every semester the school connects students with a number of large-scale international competitions and high-quality academic resources.
JPED introduction of competition applicationEvery year, JPED students enhance their abilities in different ways and in different fields through competitions in different academic categories, and constant exploration in the fields of interest. Students are exposed to multiple perspectives practice, learn to break the boundaries of disciplines, expand the depth of academic knowledge, and understand a broader academic field. To update our thoughts and perspectives while we go forward, to explore while we continue.
Part of the JPED competition introductionThe college counselling team provides 1-on-1 guidance according to the students" interests, strengths and further education needs, to suit the best competition to each students" needs.01Combine knowledge with practice to consolidate academic foundationParticipating in academic competitions not only promotes learning of that subject, but provides insight on the subject"s professions, though this method of learning is harder than the traditional method.. To a certain extent, this not only helps students consolidate their daily learning content, but also guides them to their potential major, which helps students deepen their understanding of subject knowledge, and correspondingly improves their internal performance.JPED Unit Project
The school pays a lot of attention to teaching according to individual needs, this includes not only matching students according to the characteristics and strengths but also providing the best suiting mentor. Through guidance and assistance of, students are inclined to learn morecomprehensively.
Academic tutoring of competitionEach teacher not only imparts his or her own college major to students, but also integrates the disciplines with the requirements of the competition, so that students better master the knowledge and are better prepared for the upcoming competition.
02 Multi-dimensional cultivation to enrich comprehensive ability
Competitions are not only a test of intellects but also a test of their academic range and intensity, challenging the student’s knowledge range, innovative spirit, critical thinking abilities, access of interdisciplinary knowledge, and other skills. Students learn to solve and identify problems by taking plans into action.
The NSL team members are completely new to this competition. In the preparation phase, they separated into two distinct departments, engineering and business; each department performed their own duties, from product design, aesthetics, product prototype production, business operation, community operation to other tasks, using knowledge conjointly to complete to full puzzle. They ended up receiving outstanding results.
NSL competition,students from the Engineering Department doing car maintainanceMost international competitions requires a team, which aims to enhance teamwork abilities among the participants, and improve communication and cooperation, self expression and working under a time limit. The end results are Developed critical thinking skills, time management abilities and overall organization;
Participating in a competition not only cultivates a creative and innovative mind, but it also to helps but enhancing practical abilities and overall qualities.
03Exploring direction and confirming development goals
The discovery and development of interests and hobbies plays a vital role in future learning and life. Your interest is often the best teacher in a way that it encourages students to study what they like very actively. At the same time, competitions a good way to find interest, to gain comprehensive understandings of professions, and will later guide future development goals.The “Hi World” participants are all JPED High School Prep members, who still are very young and at a stage where they find interest through the process of trial and error.The members were especially interested in ancient Chinese architecture, and chose the Temple of Heaven as their research topic since it still is relatively accessible during the pandemic. The group focused on the historical background, architectural structure and the later influence of the historical structure.Hi World team task partitioningInterview with experts in ancient architecture protectionThrough participating in competitions, students confirm ideas through action, and act in confirmation, find interests in exploration, they gradually narrow down to formulate strong professional goals for the future.
The world is not for us to look at, it is a place to us to walk towards and away. As Kant said: To be cultured is to know the most beautiful things that the whole world is talking about and pondering. JPEDers take plans into action, they view the vast world through competition participation, gain self-affirmation and grow, and get praise and applauses in the process, but also encourage others to become passionate and confident figures.
Growth cannot be seen by the naked eye. JPED aims to bring the world to every students" eyes, from there they step towards the endless world.
Experience share from awarded students
“During this summer vacation, I participated in the competition of Hi World World Culture Day,I learned a lot from this experience.
In March this year, we began to prepare for the competition. Everything went well when we determined the theme. We chose the form of documentary to participate in the competition. At that point, I thought this competition is just a normal one, not that difficult. Later, because of the epidemic situation, we took online classes and had to communicateeverythingonline. Because of the epidemic situation control, we couldn"t gather all people at the same time to shoot, which led us to gothrough the same part in several times. When we cut the video, we could only upload the video online, so many of our images were blurred. There are a lot of things to solvebefore the final day. Our documentary has been changed for several times. When participating in the competition, I didn"t think our speech was goodenough. We thought we couldn"t get any awards. The result was unexpected. We wonthe goldenprize.
After this competition, I understand that any good result is based on full preparation
““NSL is a very challenging competition, and the process of preparing for the competition undoubtedly improved my ability to a bigextent. As a freshmanof JPEDin September 2021, there wasmore than half year long preparation process has strengthened my connection with others and made me feel more attached on campus. As a student in the commercial department of the team, our business guide, Ms Zhang Lumin, was full of enthusiasm and inspiration, so I finally completed a very competitive business plan and a series of peripheral products, recorded a promotional video for the team and shared it with our account in station B. We have gained a lot. In half a year, we submitted additional challenges for all business sectors and finally won the awards of "Best Business Plan" and "Business Innovation" in the competition. At the same time, with the support of a very professional engineering teacher, Mr Zhou Hongliang, the team has been promoted to the global competition all the way, and has made great achievements.- Abigail Zheng““In October 2021, I joined NSL with my classmates as the team leader and led the team to achieve the top five results in China. The process of this competition was hard, but thanks to the joint efforts of the team, we finally achieved satisfactory results. According to our pre-competition deployment, the team is divided into two key departments: the Commerce Department and the Engineering Department, which are respectively responsible for the presentation of the business plan of the rally and the inbound maintenance.
Before the competition, everyone felt that it was difficult to perform well. When we found that most of the engineering departments of other teams had four or five engineers, we could only assign two engineers because of the shortage of staff. One of the engineers was ill at that time, and everyone was very depressed. In addition, other teams have not only prepared some spare replacement cars, but also prepared a large number of spare batteries and other materials. We only have one racing car and three batteries. Everyone was depressed because of the lack of manpower and materials.
In order to alleviate the anxiety of my teammates, I temporarily held a mobilization meeting for the team members at that time, so that they could participate with a learning attitude, maintain a stable attitude and perform normally. I also arranged a member of the Ministry of Commerce and our instructor to participate in the inbound maintenance of the rally with me. We finally overcame the shortage of manpower and materials and achieved success.
This experience made me understand that as a leader, I should strive to improve the team"s cohesion and work efficiency, lead the team through difficulties, and ensure that the team"s goals are finally achieved.
-Hebe Yang
““I learned a lot from participating in the World Culture Day competition, and we learned more about the Temple of Heaven in the process of research. At the same time, because our group chose the form of documentary, I became more familiar with shooting, editing, and interviewing. Each team member has earnestly completed their own work, and our teachers and Lv Zhou have also given us a lot of help. In the end, we also got good results.
-Joan Wei
““Hi! Hello, I"m Annie Hou! In the 2022 academic year, I participated in two competitions - the World Learning Cup and the SIC Youth Investment Competition. Through hard work, the World Learning Cup was promoted to the national competition, and SIC also won one gold and one silver. To be honest, it is not easy in the competition. We have to overcome difficulties all thetime - eg. difficulties in searchingmaterials, members willing to give up, difficulties infitting in the team, difficulties in being lazy... Fortunately, we had each other’s back, weencouraged each otherwhen needed, ran in with each other, clearly divided the work, and overcame so manydifficulties together. Of course, I learned a lot fromthe competition. For example: art appreciation, how to speculate in stocks, how to write reports, how to give platform and chancesto be able to let everyone"s advantagesshine... The competition has also made me a lot of new friends! In short, you are welcome to actively participate in the competition, awards won’t be the only thing you receive!-Annie Hou
““The USAD competition made me think about the purpose and significance of learning again. Unlike the prepared and guided teachers on campus, USAD requires students to master a large range of knowledge in a relatively short time and apply it to the topics provided by the sponsor each year. Applying learning to real life can enable students to have a deeper understanding of the application. Compared with simply learning theoretical knowledge, I believe that the futurepeerswill study hard and practice well.-Jason Ping““After shooting time and time again, refining video clipstime and time again, word for word dubbing, and constantly modifying the tone and sentences, we are honored to win the gold medal in the Hi World competition with the joint efforts of everyone. In this competition, I came to the cooperation of the team and understood the importance of tolerance and communication. It was an unforgettable experience.
-Sophia Xue
““Attendingthe World ScholarCup is a very unforgettable experience for me. At the same time, this competition is also the first academic competition in my life. I have never had relevant experience in junior high school before. In the process of preparing for this competition, I learned not only the knowledge of different disciplines, but also the spirit of cooperation with teammates. We put forward opinions to each other and listened to each other"s ideas, we generating ideas and opinions on the same topic from different perspectives. I think this process is more important than the results of the competition.
Thanks to the World ScholarCup for letting me experience the spirit of challenging myself again, let me regain confidence and understand my ability and potential!
-Ashley Jiang