每日信息:承中加优良基因 绘未来发展蓝图

2022-12-16 18:52:36

尊敬的彭建华董事长,尊敬的王本中校长,执行董事JOYCE PENG,全体中加人,大家下午好!

Dear Dr.Peng, Principal Wang, Executive Director Joyce Peng, and all Chinese and Canadian teachers, Good afternoon!



Our beloved school-SCCSC set sail in 2002 and with its 20 years ups and downs entered the exciting drum beat of the new era in 2022, it has developed into an influential international school in Shenzhen. Looking back into these 20 years, a star-studded "Sino-Canada educational picture scroll" slowly unfolds...

20年来,学校创建了被国外大学广泛认可的国际化课程体系。学校以中国国本课程为基础,吸收其它成熟国际课程体系的优势元素,构建了“中西融合,高低相成”的中加国际课程体系,较好地满足了学生发展的需求。In the past 20 years, based on the Chinese curriculum, SCCSC has absorbed the nutrition of the mature international curriculum systems to create an distinguished Sino-Canadian international curriculum system that is widely recognized by foreign universities and better meets the needs of student development.20年来,学校较好地落实了以“家国情怀”为核心的德育教育。“培养什么人,怎样培养人,为谁培养人”始终是中加办学的根本性问题。20年来,学校坚持正面教育、榜样教育、活动教育、心理健康教育;落实规则引领、自主自制、小组合作、家校协同等育人策略,培养出一批批自立自信、自尊自强、责任担当、勇毅奋发的中加学子。Over the past 20 years,we have implemented moral education with patriotism as the core. With the concerns of "who to cultivate, how to teach students, and for whom to guide students", we have always adhered to positive education, role model education, activity education, and mental health education; Implemented educational strategies such as rule guidance, independent self-discipline, group cooperation, and home-school collaboration to cultivate a group of self-reliant, self-confident, self-respecting, responsible, courageous and hard-working SCCSC students.20年来,学校构建出了以提升学生学习力为核心的学习型课堂。20年来,学校以教研为抓手,积极推进供给侧改革。课堂教学先后经历了,从以讲为主,到学讲练结合;从生动课堂,到学习型课堂;从“教会”到“会教”,从“学会”到“会学”,从“知识教学”到“素养培育”的发展过程。立足终身学习,着眼学习力提升。In the past 20 years, SCCSC has successfully fostered a learning-oriented classroom with the core of improving students" learning ability. We have taken teaching and research as the starting point and actively promoted the educational reform. Classroom teaching has been experienced from lecture-based to the practice of combination with learning and teaching; From vivid classrooms to learning-oriented classrooms; The development process began from "teaching students to understand" to "teaching students how to learn", from "knowledge teaching" to "literacy cultivation", all of which aims on cultivating students’ lifelong learning and learning ability.20年来,学校创建出了深受学生喜爱的快乐校园。让学生在最美好的年华留下最温暖、最璀璨的回忆”是全体中加人的第一追求。在这一理念指引下,设计各种类型大型校内外活动,组建各种学生社团。让青春充满个性,让生活充满色彩。中加讲学习,也讲澎湃的青春;中加讲规则,也讲自主的空间。In the past 20 years, SCCSC has created a happy campus for our students. Under the guidance of such concept, various types of large-scale on-campus and off-campus activities are designed, and various student clubs are formed. we talk about learning, but also about the energetic youth; we talk about discipline, but also about autonomous space.20年来,构建出了促进学生全面发展的绿色评价体系。学校坚持,多一把尺子多一批人才;坚持好习惯好过程,就会有好结果;坚持不设定规,没有定论,用发展的眼光看问题。20年来,构建了“形成性评价与终结性评价相结合,以形成性评价为主;学术评价与非学术评价相结合,以全人教育评价为主” 的学生绿色评价体系。In the past 20 years, a comprehensive evaluation system-the "combination of formative evaluation and academic evaluation“ has been built to promote the overall development of students. The school insists on tailored assessment system, we emphasize good habits and process for better outcomes; we insist on not setting rules and look at problems from the perspective of development.20年来,打造出了完整的校园服务体系。从招生办,到后勤财务,从校办人事,到升学办。全方位、全时空,常态化、制度化、体系化地服务着全校师生员工;从教学处到学生处,从教研组到年级组,护佑着教育教学。In the past 20 years, a thoughtful campus service system has been created. From the admission office, to logistics and finance departments, from the school office personnel, to the university admission office; From the teaching admin office to the student service centre, from the teaching and research team to the grade team, all of which are escorting education and teaching.20年来,在董事长彭建华前瞻性教育思想引领下及教育家王本中先生多年来潜心教育,心无旁骛,笃行不怠,学校荣誉等身。20年来,学校先后荣获南山区教育先进单位、深圳市德育示范校、国际圆方成员校、深圳国际教育老字号单位、深圳教育创新特色学校、深圳教育好口碑学校、最具影响力教育品牌学校、年度国际化典范学校、广东省民办教育四十周年突出贡献学校等多种荣誉称号。Over the past 20 years, under the guidance of Dr.Peng Jianhua"s forward-looking educational thinking and educator Mr. Wang Benzhong’s dedication to education for years,SCCSC has successively won many honorary names such as Nanshan District Education Advanced Unit, Shenzhen Moral Education Demonstration School, International Round Square Member School, Shenzhen International Education Time-honored Unit, Shenzhen Education Innovation Characteristic School, Shenzhen Education Good Reputation School, Most Influential Education Brand, Annual International Model School, Guangdong Province Private Education “40th Anniversary Outstanding Contribution School” and a lot more.老师们,同学们,凡是过往,皆为序章。20年,正值青春壮年,站在校庆的新起点上,唯有面向未来,才能续写更加美丽的中加“乐章”。在董事会的领导下,学校班子有如下初步思考。Dear teachers and students, everything in the past is a prologue. 20 years, in the prime of youth, standing at a new starting point of the school celebration, only by facing the future, can we continue to write a more beautiful chapter of SCCSC. Under the leadership of the Board of Directors, we have the following preliminary thoughts.


扩大优势 扬长补短

在进一步扩大加拿大方向在同类学校突出优势的同时,发展好美国、英国、港澳方向的升学,特别要迅速提升港澳方向的升学规模及质量,占据方向制高点,产生区域影响力。While further expanding the superiority of the Canadian university admission, we should reach the universities in United States, the United Kingdom, Hong Kong and Macao, especially in Hong Kong and Macao.


优化结构 丰富课程

进一步优化课程在结构及实施方式上的深度融合,着眼互补互济,着眼减负增效;进一步优化和丰富课程,开好DSE课程,扩大AP课程,构建更多元更高端的国际化课程平台。Optimizing the in-depth integration of the curriculum structure and implementation methods, focusing on complementary support, and focusing on reducing burden and increasing efficiency; developing DSE courses, expanding AP courses to build a more diversified and high-end international course platform.


拓宽交流 打造品牌


Under the premise of the epidemic subsiding, within 5 years, we are planing to form 3-5 key international exchange programs, as well as international activities on campus, and explore Hong Kong DSE programs.


探索创新 打造特色

力争在“在国本课程国际化、学习型课堂、德育实施、小组合作学习、五育并举”等方面探索创新,形成一套可推而广之的做法。We strive to explore and innovate in "internationalization of the Chinese curriculum, learning-oriented classroom, moral education implementation, group cooperative learning, and five dimensions of education", and form a set of practices that can be generalized.


高原之巅 再造高峰

在目前百花齐放,群峰耸立的良好基础上,打造出常春藤、牛剑等更顶级的毕业生。Starting from the already achieved position, we are striving for cultivating young talents for top-tier universities around the world.老师们,同学们,星光不负赶路人,踔厉奋发行更健。站在20年华诞的新起点上,不待扬鞭自奋蹄,高歌奋进新征程,“为党育人,为国育才”!全体中加人将破浪前行,筑梦未来,再续辉煌!Dear teachersand students, we are standing at the new edgeatthe 20th birthdayof SCCSC, I encourage you tobreak the waves, build dreams of the future, and continue to be brilliant!老师们,同学们,“撑一支长篙,向青草更深处漫溯,满载一船星辉,在星辉斑斓里放歌”。最后,我代表全体中加人诚挚祝福深圳(南山)中加学校生日快乐,生生不息,欣欣向荣!Finally, on behalf of all SCCSC people, I sincerely wish our School a happy birthday, endless life and prosperity!



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