世界观点:校长来信 | 以更温柔的心帮助未成年的孩子们 A Primary Principal Letter to HD Families

2022-12-16 20:08:54














































常丽华、杨玉翠、Kim Fisher、Ilana Stadler




Support our children with a gentler heart

---A letter to HD parents

Dear HD family parents:

Hello everyone.

In ancient Chinese, ‘adult’ is described as "big" and "human", standing firmly on both feet between heaven and earth. It is the mission of the "big human" to split the chaos, separate the heaven and the earth, and name all things.

And so, the children saw flowers, birds, fish, insects, rivers and they were able to look beyond their eyes to a broader starry sky and a more mysterious universe.

And therefore we have words like "dream", "hope" and "future", which ensure that adults are not careless nor lose hope.

In the tide of the times, no one is an island, and anyone"s sorrow is our sorrow. However, we can quickly jump out and focus on what we can grasp and control: parents accompany and support their children with the most gentle and firm hearts, and they also constantly encourage teachers. In addition to classes, our teachers spend a lot of time correcting homework, in one-on-one communication with children, and preparing for lessons- from a word to a question to a book. At faculty meetings, everyone discusses enthusiastically and talks sincerely. How we hope that we can block the hustle and bustle outside for our children, so that their sky will always be blue.

Never have we heard a complaint from teachers. Instead, we see more enthusiasm, repeated discussions about classroom details, careful homework reviewing and patient one-to-one guidance. As a teacher once said, “children are our tomorrow”.

Yes, tomorrow.

We also know that to give children a bright “tomorrow”, we must cherish every “today” of their lives. If today is not good enough, then let"s create one. So, we created it. Today, right now, every minute we live, there is love, passion, and compassion. The children have made progress and we are rejoicing; the children"s eyes are tired in the online classes and we are anxious; the children take the initiative to learn, and we are excited...

We all yearn for what the classroom should be like: sitting together with children, looking at each other, expressing and exchanging opinions around great things. The children will smile gently with understanding, and they will also debate fiercely with each other. When quiet homework time comes, even the smallest sound can be heard.

We are all long for what education should be like: children running and laughing freely, enjoying friendship, learning respect, responsibility, honesty, fairness, and empathy, and exploring every field, finding themselves through their exploration.

How eager we are for tomorrow, how much effort we put in today.

During the epidemic, we also had more thoughts on the vitality of life. Every kind and brave person, every person who can think independently and has empathy, should be treated gently from early childhood.

To love children, we should understand them, encourage them and give them safety. Letting children have dignity and a sense of achievement is the first task for adults.

Children, like adults, have independent personalities and independent worlds. But before the child"s mind is mature, one must need the protection from adults. There is no smooth sailing on the way to growth. Children will fall, get hurt, be wronged, cry bitterly, have many unspeakable emotions, and encounter many difficult hurdles. A child who can be understood by adults can also learn to understand himself, others and the world, and can move in a bright direction no matter what he encounters; a child who can be continuously encouraged by adults can develop his natural inner courage and keep it for life. Encouragement is not praise. Encouragement is trust and confidence in children. We should be careful with praise: if children are encouraged by praise, praise will become the purpose and this will cause damage to the internal motivation.

Children who can be understood and encouraged can heal themselves when they encounter pain and turn the pains into nutrition for growth.

Of course, we also know that adults are ordinary people, too. Parents need to take care of their children while handling their own work; many teachers also have elderly people to take care of and younger children who have online classes. We will have our own fatigue and anxiety. Let me quote a passage from Teacher Guo Chuyang:

"Be aware of your own limitations. Saint Teresa compared herself to a small white flower. Mother Teresa said she was just a pencil who fell and stood up again-only once she was broken could she heal. Teachers who are struggling deeply understand this Chinese saying: one can only be a good doctor when he has broken his own bones several times. With our own scars, we come to help those children more gently."

I felt warm when I wrote this.

I thought of what parents said about the busy and messy stay-at-home time: “ Our children are blessed to be accompanied by their teachers.”

The understanding and encouragement that teachers get from the parents is a great strength.

The “Greater Snow” has passed and let us welcome the winter solstice together, the day when the sun will be reborn.

With this gift pack and this letter in your hands, we would like to express our sincere wishes to the HD community:

May all adults be well. May every child be well. May every smiling face reunite on campus soon.

May every adult of HD lives as a beam of light, and the children will follow the light;

May every adult of HD believes in their own strength, and children will believe in themselves;

May every adult of HD keeps kindness in heart, and the children will be peaceful and calm.

Let us live out and light up the word "Big Human" together.

HDBJ Primary

Kim Fisher, Ilana Stadler,Amy Chang, Yucui Yang

December, 2022


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