当前快播:Get Ready for CISK Open Days!
Open Day
Welcome from Admissions Team and thanks for your interest in the Canadian International School Kunshan (CISK).
We would like to invite families that are interested in joining the CISK family to attend our upcoming Open Day to experience CISK on Sunday, October 30, 2022. Applications for the 2023-24 school year are now available. Applications for the 2022-23 school year will also be considered as long as we have space remaining.
Open Day Agenda
As space is limited, early registration is highly recommended to ensure your participation.
CISK Open Day Series
Sun. 周日 | Oct. 30 | 10月30日 |
Sat. 周六 | Nov. 26 | 11月26日 |
Fri. 周五 | Dec. 2 | 12月2日 |
Fri. 周五 | Dec. 16 | 12月16日 |
1.CISKers are lifelong learners! We offer a globally recognized, authentic IB framework with a community of educators focused on developing curious learners with the tools they need to keep learning and growing throughout their lives.
1. CISK的学生是终生学习者! 我们提供一个全球公认的、真实的IB框架,CISK有一群不断学习和成长并且专注于培养学生好奇心及探索精神的教育工作者。
2. CISKers are nurtured individually! We provide small class sizes with no more than 20 students, which makes the classes more engaging and practical. Educators are able to provide individualized attention and cater to each student’s needs.
2. CISK个性化地培养学生! 我们提供不超20人的小班化教学,学生们能够更好地参与互动和实践。老师们能够对学生进行个性化的关注,并且满足每个学生的需求。
3.CISKers balance work and play! CISK offers an extensive extracurricular program to support student exploration and allow them to pursue their passions and interests outside of academia.
3. CISK的学生能够平衡学习和娱乐!学校提供广泛的课外活动项目来支持学生进行探索,在学术之外发展自己的兴趣爱好。
4. CISKers are open-minded and caring! A diverse learning community gives our students more opportunities to learn to respect differences and nurture their self-awareness. CISK respects different cultural backgrounds and looks at different perspectives without judgment.
4. CISK的学生思维开阔且具有关怀之心! 多元化的学习社区让我们的学生有更多的机会学习尊重差异,培养自我意识。CISK尊重不同的文化背景,以不同的视角看待问题。
5. CISKers are multilingual! CISK provides an English and Mandarin immersion environment for all students. For those learning to speak English, our ESL support program is offered to help remove any language barriers. CISK also values the development of students’ mother tongues and works to support their continual learning, from providing resources in our libraries to supporting self-taught language courses in students’ native languages in our IB diploma program. CISK also offers additional language courses to students in multiple divisions through our CCA program.
5. CISK的学生是多语言的学习者! CISK为所有学生提供英语和中文沉浸式的学习环境。对于英语学习者,学校提供ESL支持项目,以助消除学生的语言障碍。CISK也重视学生母语的发展,支持学生坚持学习母语。学校图书馆提供学习资源,IB文凭课程中支持学生使用母语自学语言课程。CISK还通过我们的CCA项目为不同学部的学生提供更多的语言课程。
6.CISKers are independent learners! Self-motivation is cultivated in our learning environments.Students are encouraged to engage in critical thinking and learn valuable life skills that can be applied inside and outside the school.
6. CISK的学生是独立的学习者! 我们的学习环境能够激发学生的内驱力。学校鼓励学生进行批判性思考,掌握在校内校外都可以应用的生活技能。
Editor | Vicky, Susy
Credit to | CISK Admissions